
  • 20-June-2014

    English, PDF, 1,768kb

    Useful Patchwork : Direct Funding of Local NGOs by Netherlands Embassies 2006-2012

    This evaluation describes the landscape of direct funding and answers questions about why and how non-governmental organisations have been directly funded and what have been the intermediate results. The evaluation period is 2006-2012 and the focus is on local non-governmental organisations.

  • 10-June-2014

    French, PDF, 3,441kb

    Evaluation des activités de Coordination SUD dans le cadre de la convention AFD/CSUD 2010-2012

    Cette évaluation dresse un bilan des opérations engagées et des réalisations obtenues par Coordination SUD. Un regard transversal est porté sur les aspects organisationnels et institutionnels de l’association. Les enjeux de l’évaluation s’articulent autour d’une question centrale : comment le programme d’action de Coordination SUD répond-il à la diversité des besoins de ses membres?

  • 13-March-2014

    English, PDF, 4,449kb

    A Case Study on Complementarity in the NGO Instruments

    This case study aimed to assess complementarity related to Finnish funded development co-operation by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). The objective was to find new and innovative ways of deploying NGO co-operation. The case study involved an extensive review of the documentation, interviews in Finland and in seven partner countries, as well as surveys among NGO stakeholders.

  • 18-November-2013

    English, PDF, 671kb

    IOB Study : Civil society, aid, and development: a cross-country analysis

    In addition to bilateral and multilateral programs, non-governmental organisations NGOs) play an important role in channeling development aid towards their Southern partners. Rigorous evaluations of programs and projects are scarce and tend to be limited to the analysis of perceived effects at local level. Far less attention is usually devoted to the aggregate effect of development aid on global civil society strength and performance.

  • 6-September-2013

    English, PDF, 1,734kb

    A Study of Monitoring and Evaluation in Six Norwegian Civil Society Organisations

    Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have always been leading participants in development and humanitarian activities, in channelling large amounts of development cooperation money from both government funds and other sources into a range of projects and programmes. Like others, they are expected to show the results of their activities and for that purpose they have developed systems for monitoring and evaluation.

  • 2-June-2013

    English, PDF, 1,728kb

    Evaluation of Danish support to Civil Society by Danida

    As this is an issue of increasing importance, this evaluation of experiences with civil society engagement in policy dialogue in Bangladesh, Mozambique and Uganda was launched in 2011. The three countries were chosen for study based on the scope of CSO support from the commissioning donors, their differing contexts and the locations of previous CSO evaluations.

  • 22-May-2013

    English, PDF, 935kb

    DFID's Support for Civil Society Organisations through Programme Partnership Arrangements

    This report examines the Department for International Development’s (DFID’s) Programme Partnership Arrangements (PPAs) – one of the principal mechanisms through which it funds civil society organisations(CSOs). Through the PPAs, DFID supports CSOs that share its objectives and have strong delivery capacity.

  • 22-January-2013

    English, PDF, 1,321kb

    Support to Civil Society Engagement in Policy Dialogue

    As this is an issue of increasing importance, an evaluation of experiences with civil society engagement in policy dialogue in Bangladesh, Mozambique and Uganda was launched in 2011. The three countries were chosen for study based on the scope of CSO support from the commissioning donors, their differing contexts and the locations of previous CSO evaluations.

  • 31-December-2012

    English, PDF, 1,033kb

    Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund Impact Assessment.

    DFID conducted an impact assessment to understand how the activities funded by the Darfur Community Peace and Security Fund (DCPSF) are contributing to stabilizing communities in its target areas, especially in relation to the engagement of women and the young. This current impact assessment is commissioned by DFID for its own evaluation purposes and its findings will be shared with other donors contributing to the DCPSF.

  • 30-November-2012

    English, PDF, 543kb

    Somalia Stability Programme - Pilot Evaluation

    The purpose of this evaluation is to inform design and programming for DFID’s Somalia Stability Programme (SSP), the multi-donor Somalia Stability Fund (SSF), and the British Office for Somalia’s stabilisation efforts. It is undertaken at a time when after decades of conflict, civil strife, and political turmoil there appears to be a window of opportunity that will permit the generation of more coherent government in Somalia.

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