
  • 14-June-2009

    French, , 1,590kb

    Évaluation rétrospective du Programme pour le renforcement des capacités commerciales (PRCC)

    Le PRCC est un programme d'aide au commerce lancé par la DG Trésor et l'AFD en 2002. Il vise à améliorer les échanges commerciaux et les exportations des pays en développement (PED) par le renforcement des capacités commerciales de leurs agents économiques.

  • 20-July-2008

    English, , 127kb

    The Engineering Capacity Building Program in Ethiopia

    The program is highly relevant for the current Ethiopian poverty reduction strategy. It is, however, doubtful at present whether it will succeed in achieving its more long-term aims as it has so far over-emphasised the supply side.

  • 8-April-2008

    English, , 774kb

    Special Study - PCR Assessment Report (Technical Co-operation Operations)

    This special study is an assessment of project completion reports (PCRs). It is performed annually by the Evaluation Department (EvD) and has been executed as part of EvD’s 2007 Work Programme.

  • 7-May-2006

    English, , 224kb

    Technical Assistance in Support of the Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Centre in the Pacific Island Countries

    Between December 1994 and December 2004, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved seven technical assistance (TA) grants totaling $3.6 million to support the operation of the Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Centre (PFTAC). The International Monetary Fund (IMF) administers PFTAC, a regional project based in the Fiji Islands that provides services to 15 Pacific island countries (PIC). A group of multilateral and bilateral

  • 31-January-2005

    English, , 440kb

  • 31-January-2005

    English, , 440kb

  • 1-September-2004

    English, , 875kb

    Capacity Building in Public Finance: An evaluation of activities in the South Pacific

    This AusAID Evaluation had two objectives. Firstly, it was to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of financial management capacity building activities in Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu. Secondly, it was to identify effective methods to build capacity in the public finance sector in countries of the South Pacific. The Evaluation was to take into account both the recent shift in Australia’s aid policy

  • 1-October-2002

    English, , 779kb

    Technical Assistance Performance Audit Report on Strengthening Audit Capability in the Pacific

    This technical assistance performance audit report covers the performance of sixtechnical assistance (TA) projects for strengthening the audit capability of the office of the auditor general (OAG), or its equivalent, in 12 Pacific developing member countries (PDMCs) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The TAs, for a total grant amount of $2.1 million, were approved between 1989 and 2000. Two of them, namely TA 1389-KIR and TA

  • 11-November-2001

    Spanish, , 330kb

    Evaluation of Spanish Assistance for Integrated Livelihood (SAIL) Programme Camiguin Island, Philippines

    De acuerdo con los términos de referencia establecidos, el objetivo general perseguido por la evaluación del Programa SAIL ha consistido en comprobar si la actuación de la Cooperación Española se adecua, con carácter general, a los objetivos señalados en la Ley 23/1998, de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, entre los que se cuentan la reducción de la pobreza, la promoción del desarrollo sostenible, la defensa de los

  • 11-November-1998

    Spanish, , 120kb

    Evaluation of Aid Equipment Funds

    De acuerdo con los Términos de Referencia de la convocatoria, TdeR, se puededeterminar como objetivo de la evaluación: el conocer en profundidad elfuncionamiento del Instrumento Fondo de Ayuda al Equipamiento, a través del análisis de dos de sus aplicaciones en iberoamérica, Costa Rica y Perú, para obtener enseñanzas, sacar conclusiones y emitir recomendaciones que, difundidas de manera general y utilizadas por los administradores y

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