
  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 1,535kb

    Final Evaluation of CSO's Kenya Engagement

    The Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) made significant and positive contributions in its coordination and reporting role. CSO’s coordination role in Nairobi was one of its most effective functions. CSO provided critical surge support, contributed positively to inter-agency relations, set up the Command Center for election results, and coordinated International Observer Missions.

  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 1,847kb

    Evaluating The Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs with Refugees in Malaysia

    The evaluation assesses the effectiveness of gender-based violence prevention programming for individuals and communities at risk. It identifies appropriate indicators for measuring the effectiveness of GBV prevention interventions in refugee settings. The evaluation will provide the Department of State, multilateral organisations such, and non-governmental organisation with guidance about conducting priority GBV prevention initiatives.

  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 765kb

    Final Evaluation Report on Refugee Local Integration in Cameroon, Tanzania, and Zambia

    This evaluation identifies best practices in promoting local integration of refugee populations. In all three countries, economic integration has been reached as defined by refugees achieving self-reliance and a standard of living similar to the host community. The successes are the result of: host governments providing fertile land, agricultural inputs, and the refugees’ willingness to integrate with their host community.

  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 3,155kb

    Partnership for Growth Midterm Evaluation - El Salvador

    The Partnership for Growth (PFG) aims to achieve accelerated, sustained, and broad-based economic growth in partner countries, including El Salvador. The evaluation team found that PFG has aided in positive movement of policy reforms in El Salvador. The initial PFG planning laid a good foundation for implementing the overall initiative. Also, PFG increased leverage for implementing USG development activities in El Salvador.

  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 2,742kb

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs with Refugees in Chad

    The evaluation assesses the effectiveness of gender-based violence (GBV) prevention programming for individuals and communities at risk. It also identifies appropriate indicators for measuring the effectiveness of GBV prevention interventions in refugee settings; and characterizes best practices and lessons learned in engaging men and boys in GBV prevention and response interventions in refugee settings.

  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 1,388kb

    Belize Engagement Evaluation Report

    The Bureau of Conflict and stabilization Operations (CSO) piloted a project to establish mediators, mediation trainers, and community dialogues in South Belize City. The pilot’s objectives included increasing local capacity to reduce gang violence and strengthening community resilience by linking civil society and leaders.

  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 2,656kb

    Evaluating The Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs with Refugees in Uganda

    This evaluation focused on GBV prevention programs conducted by the American Refugee Committee (ARC) and the Medical Teams International (MTI). ARC and MTI consistently met, exceeded, or achieved progress toward planned gender-based violence prevention and response program objectives and activities during the evaluation period. Both organizations were on target to achieve current program activities in FY 2013.

  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 1,838kb

    Evaluating The Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs with Refugees in Chad, Malaysia, and Uganda

    With respect to primary gender-based violence (GBV) prevention, NGOs used a variety of awareness-raising strategies and approaches to target refugee communities and specific population subsets. Overall, they were effectively able to engage with refugee communities. However, best practice models and program indicators that can demonstrate the success of awareness programming and its impact on social norms change are lacking.

  • 26-January-2015

    English, PDF, 1,344kb

    Aid for Trade. Policies and Strategies in German Development Cooperation

    An initiative launched by the WTO in 2005, aims to assist developing countries to benefit from the opportunities arising from trade liberalisation. The desk study analyses the general Aid for Trade portfolio of Germany and answers several evaluative questions related to the policy reorientation undertaken by the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in 2011.

  • 9-January-2015

    Portuguese, PDF, 585kb

    Avaliação do Programa Indicativo de Cooperação Portugal-Timor Leste

    A presente avaliação é um exercício conjunto realizado pelo GAAI/IPAD e pelo MNE de Timor-Leste. Tal como é referido nos TdR, os objectivos da avaliação são: conhecer o desempenho da cooperação Portuguesa em Timor-Leste e dar aos Governos Português e Timorense uma base para decidir sobre possíveis mudanças ou adaptação da estratégia, eixos e áreas de intervenção da cooperação entre os dois Estados.

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