
  • 5-October-2015

    English, PDF, 1,285kb

    Evaluation of Denmark’s Climate Change Funding to Developing Countries

    Denmark has made substantial contributions to mitigating the impact of climate change by supporting activities that will result in emissions reduction. This evaluation aimed at understanding what works, what does not and why. Denmark's investments have supported poorer countries’ adaptation to the effects of climate change through support for policy development and increasing the resilience of land-use practices and infrastructure.

  • 31-July-2015

    English, PDF, 1,055kb

    Review of Grant Aid for Countries with Relatively High Income

    This study examined whether the grant aid projects implemented in countries with relatively high income had sufficient significance clarifying the background, objectives and specific, reasons to implement the projects; and their achievements. This study is based on 78 ex-post evaluation reports prepared between the Japanese Fiscal Year 2008 and 2012.

  • 31-July-2015

    English, PDF, 501kb

    Evaluation of Japan's Contribution to the Achievement of the MDGs in the Health Sector

    Japan’s ODA policies in the health sector are generally consistent with the trends in the international community’s assistance shown in the MDGs. However, Japan’s assistance has been mainly for neighbouring countries, while many Sub-Saharan Africa countries have serious health problems. This discrepancy is because of Japan’s “national interest” in creating friendly relationships with neighbour countries through ODA.

  • 31-July-2015

    English, PDF, 468kb

    Evaluation of Humanitarian Assistance in Case of Emergency

    Japan’s international emergency assistance has a high level, both in terms of quality and speed. In terms of the total amount contributed over the past 10 years, Japan’s humanitarian assistance ranks 4th in the world. The countries receiving the assistance are geopolitically diverse. The assistance provided has produced outcomes that have the desired effect for the people requiring the assistance.

  • 31-July-2015

    English, PDF, 799kb

    Country Assistance Evaluation of Kenya

    Japan has provided ODA to Kenya through various schemes. However, the recognition of Japan’s ODA to Kenyan citizens is not sufficient. In order to improve this situation, the Government of Japan needs to forge a public relations strategy that clearly appeals to the Kenyan society based on the principles of Japan’s contribution to Kenya’s important development agendas.

  • 31-July-2015

    English, PDF, 1,021kb

    Country Assistance Evaluation of Pakistan

    The evaluation has determined that policy relevance is very high, the results have been effective, and processes have been appropriately implemented; and, from the diplomatic viewpoints, that Japanese assistance to Pakistan has formed the basis of a positive diplomatic relationship between the two countries.

  • 24-July-2015

    English, PDF, 187kb

    Humanitarian Assistance through Mobile Cash Transfer in Northern Afghanistan

    The report found that despite its failure to address people’s humanitarian needs in a timely manner, the DFID pilot test has proven promising, to many extents. There were still food shortages that were not the result of the drought at the time of the intervention, and the cash received helped households to deal with these without having to resort to extreme coping strategies.

  • 7-July-2015

    English, PDF, 1,464kb

    Evaluation of the Bank Group country strategy and program in Chad (2002–2012)

    On the whole, Bank Group assistance performance in Chad over 2002-2012 is deemed moderately satisfactory. Investments made in the area of infrastructure have helped create conditions for the sustained and inclusive growth of the entire economy. However, the Bank's intervention in economic governance and public sector management has not been successful, thereby limiting its positive role in the country’s overall economic growth.

  • 7-July-2015

    English, PDF, 2,695kb

    Quality of project results’ reporting at the African Development Bank 2008-09

    The review was undertaken to provide a synthesis of project evaluations prepared during 2008-09, and highlight the key issues around the Bank’s overall approach to project completion reporting, taking account of changes introduced in 2009. The review revealed that greater progress in compliance with project completion reporting (PCR) is evident, but timeliness remains a substantial issue.

  • 6-July-2015

    English, PDF, 2,028kb

    Trust Fund Management at the African Development Bank

    Although the AfDB Trust Fund portfolio has grown rapidly, it still represents less than 1 percent of African Development Fund/African Development Bank lending levels. With an equivalent of US$61 million of disbursements it is well below the number of trust funds and disbursement levels of other multilateral development banks. Still, the reputational risks of trust funds to the AfDB are greater than their relative level of resources.

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