
  • 4-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,400kb

    Gender, peace and security: Evaluation of the Netherlands and UN Security Council resolution 1325

    This report aims to assess what progress the Netherlands has accomplished in putting the UN resolution 1325 into practice. To make this assessment, the report examines the Dutch National Action Plans that were agreed in 2007 and 2011, and the activities undertaken by the signatories to the Plans. It is a sub-study of the policy evaluation on women’s rights and gender equality conducted by IOB.

  • 1-December-2015

    English, PDF, 2,044kb

    Administrative Budget Management of the African Development Bank: An Independent Evaluation

    This evaluation was one of the three components of an overall evaluation assessing the Bank’s implementation of General Capital Increase and African Development Fund 12th and 13th replenishment commitments. The evaluation assesses the management's efficiency and effectiveness in delivering on its strategic priorities and areas where further improvements may be possible.

  • 1-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,576kb

    Independent Evaluation of Policy and Strategy Making and Implementation

    Overall, the evaluation has three major messages. First, the Bank has been able to produce a good range of regulatory and strategic documents, generally of acceptable quality and highly relevant to its own priorities. Second, the suites are not well organised, due to a lack of clarity and to issues around management of information. Third, the existence of the documents does not guarantee their correct and full implementation.

  • 30-November-2015

    English, PDF, 716kb

    Renewable energy – Policy review on the Dutch contribution to renewable energy and development 2004-2014

    At international level, renewable energy is increasingly seen as important for climate and for the availability of energy for domestic use. Thus there is a need for the Netherlands to have a clear vision on its renewable energy and development policy. Maintaining and further developing Dutch expertise and experience in this field is essential if the Netherlands intends to continue influencing the policy of inter/national organisations.

  • 26-November-2015

    French, PDF, 2,189kb

    Cameroun: Évaluation de la stratégie et du programme de la Banque au Cameroun 2004–2013

    Le but de cette évaluation est de tirer des enseignements pertinents pour améliorer la stratégie et les opérations futures. Les principaux critères d’évaluation utilisés sont la pertinence, l'efficacité, l'efficience et la durabilité. La performance des stratégies et programmes d’intervention de la Banque au Cameroun sur la période 2004-2013 est dans l’ensemble jugée moyennement satisfaisante.

  • 9-November-2015

    English, PDF, 2,152kb

    Cameroon: Country Strategy and Program Evaluation 2004–2013

    This evaluation aims to draw relevant lessons to help improve future strategy and operations. It is based on a document review, sector evaluations and discussions with stakeholders. It focuses on transport, energy, water and sanitation and governance, the priorities of the Country Strategy Papers (CSPs). Overall, this evaluation finds that the performance of the Bank’s intervention strategies and programs were moderately satisfactory.

  • 3-November-2015

    English, PDF, 1,625kb

    Banking our Aid: Australia’s Non-core Funding to the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank

    The evaluation found that non-core funding to the ADB and World Bank is an effective and efficient way of delivering Australian aid. Completion ratings for bank projects are either comparable, or better than the aggregate ratings for other partners. However, DFAT needs to overcome a number of challenges to get the best results from non-core funding. Four recommendations to DFAT were made to address these challenges.

  • 15-October-2015

    English, PDF, 3,367kb

    Work in Progress – Evaluation of the ORET Programme : Investing in Public Infrastructure in Developing Countries

    The Development Related Export Transactions program (ORET) is a subsidy facility. It has addressed important obstacles for development by co-financing the construction and rehabilitation of public infrastructure in developing countries. ORET has evolved from a programme of mere delivery of capital goods to a programme offering comprehensive infrastructure service packages that were also financially attractive for recipient governments.

  • 6-October-2015

    English, PDF, 950kb

    Evaluation of the Dutch Contribution to Transition in the Arab Region (2009-2013)

    This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the response of the Dutch government to the Arab uprisings and its support to: democratisation; the rule of law; and economic growth. The Ministry funded a range of projects, however, less support was provided to governments in transition than to civil society. Findings show that the implementation of support to Arab countries is far from easy because of the volatile context.

    Related Documents
  • 6-October-2015

    English, PDF, 2,527kb

    Evaluation of Norwegian Multilateral Support to Basic Education

    The evaluation assesses Norwegian multilateral support to basic education through UNICEF and the Global Partnership for Education. It looks at development aid effectiveness, aid management and financing of education in: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Haiti, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal and Zambia. The emphasis was put on three education goals: quality of learning, gender and inclusion of marginalised groups.

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