
  • 15-February-2016

    English, PDF, 3,251kb

    Aided Trade – An Evaluation of the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (2005-2012)

    This report presents the findings of the evaluation of the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI). The evaluation investigates CBI’s sectoral export coaching programme and the business support organisation development. The report concludes that CBI’s sectoral export coaching programmes were relevant, though often insufficient to stimulate companies to start exporting to Europe.

  • 11-February-2016

    English, PDF, 1,447kb

    Adaptation Learning Program (ALP)

    The Adaptation Learning Program facilitates community-based adaptation in a selection of climate-vulnerable communities in four countries. The purpose of this final evaluation is to provide qualitative and quantitative evidence of program outcomes against the ALP logframe; and to assess the quality and value of ALP approaches to promote CBA through learning and influence at all levels of the program.

  • 14-January-2016

    English, PDF, 476kb

    Evaluation of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Activities in Laos

    This evaluation has allowed a better understanding of the situation in Laos in terms of DRR. The modalities and geographic areas of intervention of the NGOs evaluated also enabled the comparative analysis of their practices in the context of the country's situation. The evaluation also looked at issues that were of common interest to all three actors and analysed the application and effects of the MAEE's Humanitarian Aid strategy.

  • 11-December-2015

    English, PDF, 3,355kb

    Evaluation of the EU Support to Environment and Climate Change in Third Countries (2007-2013) - Main report

    The support has been relevant at country, regional and global levels, and has paved the way for increased prioritization of environment and climate change in current programming. The combination of thematic and geographic instruments has been reasonably effective in reaching the overarching policy goals. Mainstreaming has been more effective than in earlier periods, but there is still much improvement that can be made.

  • 10-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,349kb

    The African Development Bank: Ready to Face the Challenges of a Changing Africa?

    The financial and organizational obstacles described in this report limit the AfDB’s ability to take risks in the interests of development in Africa. Despite the AfDB’s many strengths—African ownership and legitimacy, shareholder support, specialized knowledge of African developmental issues—it is at the moment falling short of its potential to catalyze improvements to the living standards and economic opportunities of Africans.

  • 8-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,240kb

    Youth, Entrepreneurship and Development

    This report gives an overview of the international research frontier on microfinance, business training, and entrepreneurship, with particular focus on youth and gender empowerment. It provides both a comprehensive overview of the literature and an in-depth analysis of findings. The report discusses the potential and limitations of small-scale business development as a tool for poverty reduction, and informs Swedish development policy.

  • 8-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,808kb

    Concentration Difficulties? An analysis of Swedish Aid Proliferation

    One of the major points on the Paris Agenda on aid effectiveness was the negative effects of aid dispersion –too many donors, too many activities in too many recipient countries. In 2007, Sweden launched an ambitious policy of concentrating its bilateral aid in certain groups of partner countries. This report revisits the arguments for why aid dispersion should be reduced and finds them, on balance, to be valid still.

  • 7-December-2015

    English, PDF, 581kb

    Rethininking Civil Society and Support for Democracy

    This report presents an overview of the way that civil society is changing. It highlights the extent to which such activism is focused on a changing set of issues. Civic organisation show great advantages and the potential to contribute to democratic deepening, but they also exhibit clear shortcomings. The challenge will be to harness their positive potential, while designing strategies that can mitigate their less welcome features.

  • 7-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,531kb

    Independent Evaluation of General Capital Increase VI and African Development Fund 12 and 13 Commitments: Overarching Review

    The Sixth General Capital Increase and the African Development Fund replenishments reflected a vote of confidence in the AfDB and its leadership. Overall, the evaluation found a Bank that is on the move. The Bank is delivering its commitments in terms of agreed documents or establishing agreed structures, albeit often late. The Bank is on the road to positive reform, in the direction that both it and its stakeholders want to see.

  • 4-December-2015

    English, PDF, 5,661kb

    Evaluation of the MDG3 Fund – ‘Investing in Equality’ 2008-2011

    This evaluation informs on how the MDG3 Fund has been put into practice and what is known of its results. Looking at the types of activities financed by the Fund, 80% of the projects undertook policy influencing, lobby and advocacy. It is a sub-study of the policy evaluation on women’s rights and gender equality conducted by IOB.

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