
  • 8-July-2016

    English, PDF, 1,171kb

    Evaluation at Sida: Annual Report 2015

    The purpose of this annual report is to provide an overview of evaluations commissioned by Sida units and foreign missions that were published in 2015 and to briefly present results from these 52 evaluations. The report does not cover evaluations commissioned by our partners or other donors.

  • 8-July-2016

    English, PDF, 2,792kb

    Support to Capacity Development – Identifying Good Practice in Swedish Development Cooperation

    The evaluation of Sida support to capacity development aimed to generate knowledge for the evidence-based design of strategies for capacity development. It found that Sida supported interventions have made a very important contribution to capacity development results in partner organisations and that the Swedish support, in general, was adequate for the requirements of the capacity development processes.

  • 31-May-2016

    English, PDF, 2,850kb

    Strategic Evaluation of the European Union's Cooperation with Lesotho 2008-2013

    The evaluation concluded that the European Union’s engagement with Lesotho was appropriate to the geopolitical, post apartheid, context of the mid 1990s when relations between Lesotho and South Africa were difficult: the EU followed Lesotho’s ‘isolationist’ stand and adopted a purely country-based development cooperation approach. More recently, the changed context provides a unique opportunity to set a new direction for EU engagement.

  • 25-May-2016

    English, PDF, 8,468kb

    Baseline Report for the German-Myanmar Programme on Sustainable Economic Development

    As Germany re-launched its development cooperation in Myanmar, DEval is supporting these efforts in the field of Sustainable Economic Development by helping to create the conditions for subsequent impact evaluation. As a first step this baseline study was conducted based on a mixed-method approach. The triangulation of results on key questions of the programme generated interesting insights.

  • 13-May-2016

    English, PDF, 1,810kb

    Capturing Complexity and Context: Evaluating Aid to Education

    This report addresses the question of what we can learn from evaluations undertaken in programmes focusing on education. Key conclusions in the report stress the importance of context, effective inclusion of the surrounding community and taking complexity into account in the analysis of the aid relation. The report concludes that delivering computers, school books, more teachers and schools is rarely enough to achieve expected results.

  • 13-May-2016

    English, PDF, 2,599kb

    Education in Developing Countries – What Policies and Programmes Affect Learning and Time in School?

    This report provides a comprehensive summary and analysis of the recent research on education policies, programmes and interventions in developing countries. The report aims to provide a tool to policy makers and aid agencies who wish to use the most rigorous and reliable research in the field to direct investment in the education sector.

  • 12-May-2016

    English, PDF, 1,959kb

    Policy Review of Dutch Humanitarian Assistance, 2009-2014

    The overall objective for Dutch humanitarian assistance is to contribute to the relief of life-threatening human needs among the most vulnerable people caused by crisis situations and natural disasters. Between 2009 and 2014, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spent a total of EUR 1.6 billion on humanitarian assistance. This report presents the summary of an evaluation on the Netherlands’ humanitarian assistance policy.

  • 13-April-2016

    English, PDF, 1,956kb

    Evaluation: Finland’s Development Policy Programmes from a Results-Based Management Point of View 2003–2013

    This evaluation finds that the Ministry for Foreign Affairs still lacks a comprehensive approach to Result-Based Management at the corporate level and that future policy implementation should be guided by a long-term strategic plan that is underpinned by a comprehensive Strategic Results Framework. Future policy direction by incoming governments should be in the form of concise policy statements that provide input into this plan.

  • 31-March-2016

    English, PDF, 2,243kb

    Strategic Evaluation of the EU Cooperation with Timor-Leste (2008-2013)

    Most EU interventions were in line with national priorities and rural population needs, as well as supporting Timor-Leste’s regional and international relationships in recognition of the priority attached by the Government to these goals. But although the focal sectors maintained their relevance to the goals of poverty reduction and state-building, the effectiveness of the EU cooperation was seriously constrained by several factors.

  • 16-March-2016

    English, PDF, 1,089kb

    A Window of Opportunity: Australian Aid and Child Undernutrition

    Several countries in Australia’s immediate neighbourhood have stunting undernutrition rates comparable to those of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. This evaluation finds that the Australian Government’s investments generally constitute good practice. A number of recommendations are made to improve the targeting of child undernutrition and the monitoring and reporting of Australia’s efforts.

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