
  • 17-June-2008

    English, , 993kb

    Special Study: Agribusiness Operations

    This review is an evaluation of the EBRD's Agribusiness Sector Operations Policies and past performance in the agribusiness sector.

  • 18-April-2008

    English, , 217kb

    Ehtiopia - Review of Bank Group Assistance to the Agriculture and Rural Development sector

    The thrust of this performance review is on the results of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB)’s assistance to the Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) Sector in Ethiopia during the period 1993-2004.

  • 26-February-2008

    English, , 816kb

    Cameroon: Evaluation of Bank Group Assistance to the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector 1996 - 2004

    The main objective of this evaluation is to conduct a systematic assessment of Bank assistance to Cameroon's agriculture and rural development sector, in terms of Bank and national strategies and assistance through lending and non-lending operations.

  • 3-December-2007

    English, , 10,190kb

    AMAREW Final Report Amhara Microenterprise Development, Agricultural Research, Extension and Watershed Management Project in Ethiopia

    USAID//Ethiopia Mission and Virginia Tech implement AMAREW Project to contribute to the overall efforts of the Amhara National Regional State (ANRS) in increasing rural household income, thereby improving food security.

  • 6-March-2007

    English, , 1,749kb

    2007.01 Final evaluation of the first phase of the National Agriculture Development Programme (Proagri (1999-2005)

    PricewaterhouseCoopers was appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG) in July 2006 to carry out an final evaluation of the first phase of PROAGRI.

  • 28-December-2006

    English, , 843kb

    Modernisation of the Agricultural and Food Sector and its approximation to the EU, Albania

    The overall objective of the project is to support Albania towards a need oriented and EU oriented agricultural policy. The anticipated impact is to improve the living standard of the Albanian population and to reduce poverty.

  • 7-May-2006

    English, , 591kb

    Pathways Out of Rural Poverty and the Effectiveness of Poverty Targeting

    This special evaluation study (SES) arises from the increasing importance the Asian Development Bank (ADB) places on poverty reduction, which has become the overarching goal of its operations.

  • 21-March-2006

    English, , 985kb

  • 7-December-2005

    English, , 1,416kb

    Sector Assistance Program Evaluation for the Agriculture and Natural Resources Sector in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

    This report by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) evaluates 20 years (1986–2005) of Asian Development Bank (ADB) support to agriculture and natural resources (ANR)development in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR).

  • 30-June-2005

    English, , 1,240kb

    Evaluation of DFID Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy (Main Report)

    An objective assessment of the extent to which ten programmes have delivered the agreed outputs of the strategy, the identification of components which have made, or have strong potential to make an impact on poverty, and the lessons from programme and project cycle management.

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