
  • 3-May-2010

    English, , 5,009kb

    Growth and Productivity in Agriculture and Agribusiness: Evaluative Lessons from World Bank Group Experience (conference edition)

    Enhanced agricultural growth and productivity are essential if we are to meet the worldwide demand for food and reduce poverty, particularly in the poorest developing countries.

  • 8-March-2010

    English, , 899kb

    Gender Aware Approaches in Agricultural Programmes: A study of Sida-supported Agricultural Programmes

    Concern about the ability of the world’s ecosystems to continue supporting human life on earth is resulting in a renewed attentiveness to agriculture and its multi functional character. In 2008 alone three major publications reported on the need to focus policy attention on food and farming.

  • 7-January-2010

    English, , 5,009kb

    Growth and Productivity in Agriculture and Agribusiness

    This evaluation seeks to provide lessons from successes and failures in the Bank Group’s activities in the sector to help improve the development impact of the renewed attention.

  • 17-December-2009

    English, , 1,588kb

    Agriculture and Natural Resources Sector in Nepal

    The main purpose of this sector assistance program evaluation is to assess the performance of the Asian Development Bank assistance to the agriculture and natural resources sector in Nepal.

  • 1-October-2009


    Front Page Past Editions

    A compilation of past editions of the DEReC "Front Page" ...highlighting evaluation reports relevant to major world events.

  • 2-September-2009

    English, , 397kb

    Agriculture and Rural Development Sector in Cambodia

    This sector assistance program evaluation has been designed as an independent review of ADB's assistance to that sector and as an input into the country assistance program evaluation.

  • 1-September-2009

    English, , 1,138kb

    Developing Smallholder Rubber Production - Lessons from AFD’s Experience

    This evaluation aims to learn lessons from AFD’s intervention methods to support the development of smallholder rubber plantations.

  • 14-April-2009

    English, , 7,442kb

    Ex-post Evaluation of Two Rural Finance and Employment Programmes in India

    This ex-post evaluation provides an independent assessment of the effects of two SDC programmes in India, that aimed at the improvement of income opportunities for the poor through viable enterprises.

  • 7-December-2008

    English, , 1,263kb

    Impact Evaluation of Aquaculture Interventions in Bangladesh

    The objective of the Evaluation was to assess the impact of Danida-funded Aquaculture Interventions on the socio-economic position and physical well being of people within the intervention areas in Mymensingh, Noakhali and Patuakhali.

  • 4-December-2008

    English, , 548kb

    Policy Implementation and Impact of Agriculture and Natural Resources Research

    The Agriculture and Natural Resources Research (ANRR) Policy paper of 1995 articulated the Asian Development Bank's approach to supporting research in the agriculture and natural resources sector.

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