
Financial education and consumer protection

G20/OECD-INFE Report on Supporting Financial Resilience and Transformation through Digital Financial Literacy


G20 OECD supporting financial resilience through digital financial literacy bijou250x355

Date of publication 
27 October 2021

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G20/OECD-INFE Report

This report discusses the concept of financial resilience and its relationship with financial inclusion, financial literacy and financial well-being. It offers a wide range of case studies looking at the role of digital financial education initiatives addressing financial resilience and vulnerability. It proposes set of effective approaches describing how the digital financial education programmes can support individual financial resilience and long-term well-being. The effective approaches complement the provisions of the OECD Council Recommendation on Financial Literacy, which was welcomed by G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on 9-10 July 2021.

The effective approaches and lessons learnt presented in this report have provided input for the development of the G20 Menu of Policy Options for digital financial literacy and financial consumer and MSME protection “Enhancing digital financial inclusion beyond the COVID-19 crisis” developed by the GPFI.

This report was prepared in support of the agenda of the G20 Global Partnership on Financial Inclusion (GPFI) under the G20 Italy Presidency 2021, as well as part of the work of the OECD International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE). The report reflects inputs and guidance from GPFI member countries, Implementing Partners, Affiliated Partners and other key stakeholders, and particularly members of the OECD/INFE, via an extensive consultation process.



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