
ODA eligibility database




Sector or themePeace and security: security system reform
Provider countryUnited States
Recipient countryGuatemala
Implementing agencyUSAID
Budget (USD x 1000)36000
Purpose code15210 Security system management and reform

  • Guatemala is a transit country for the trafficking of humans, drugs, arms and contraband. Recent surveys found that over 60% of Guatemalans believe that insecurity is the most significant problem facing the country. While crime and violence are now recognised as serious problems with high economic and social costs, the Guatemalan security and justice sector, which suffers from corruption, impunity and inefficiency, has been ill-equipped to respond appropriately.
  • The Security and Justice Sector Reform Project (SJSRP) seeks to improve the Government of Guatemala’s ability to administer, manage and provide security and justice and to enhance accountability through increased civil society oversight. It provides on-site and intermittent technical assistance, training, commodities, and in-kind and financial assistance. Activities include; improving financial and administrative management procedures in select security and justice sector institutions to meet international standards; supporting passage of a new Organic Law for the Police and implementation of a career development program for officers and officials of the National Civilian Police; and supporting the establishment of new types of courts – including a 24-hour model court, a High Impact Court and a Pluripersonal Criminal Court – to meet specific needs of Guatemalans within the judicial sector.
  • The overall goal is improved citizen safety and strengthened reform of the Security and Justice Sector. Specific outcomes include: 1. Greater state capacity to manage security and justice administration; - Establishment of an adequate career system for the National Civilian Police - Strengthened financial management systems for Security and Justice Sector Institutions - Improved management and administration of Security and Justice Sector Institutions 2.Greater state capacity to provide security and justice for citizens; - Improved performance, efficiency and accountability of Security and Justice Sector Institutions 3. Greater civil society oversight of public and private security services; - Strengthened advocacy and oversight of non-governmental actors to increase accountability and transparency of Security and Justice Sector Institutions
  • The overall activity is deemed ODA-eligible as it promotes security system reform including technical co-operation provided to government ministries, law enforcement agencies, the civil society and the judiciary to improve good governance and civilian oversight (paragraph 105). The police assistance component of this project is also considered ODA-eligible since the assistance to the partner country police, including non-lethal equipment and training, is designed to address criminal activity and promote public safety (paragraph 100).