

Sixth Regional Meeting on BEPS for Eurasian Countries


Date: 25-26 March 2020

LocationSofia, Bulgaria 

Hosts: OECD, IOTA and Ministry of Finance of Bulgaria 



The Sixth Regional Meeting on BEPS for Eurasian countries will be hosted by the OECD, the Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA) and the Ministry of Finance of Bulgaria. 

Regional meetings enable all countries and jurisdictions, Inclusive Framework on BEPS members and non-members, to share their experiences on BEPS implementation on a regional basis, and feed their perspectives into the global dialogue.

This meeting will focus on the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS' most recent work on consensus-based, long-term solutions to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. Participants will also be provided with the latest developments regarding the implementation of the BEPS minimum standards as well as the work carried out in the areas of transfer pricing and the toolkits and capacity building initiatives available to support low-capacity developing countries. 

The meeting will bring together officials from Finance Ministries, other relevant ministries, revenue authorities of member countries, decision-makers, technical experts, representatives from the OECD, as well as regional and other international organisations. Specific sessions will be open to external stakeholders from the business community, civil society and academia.




 City of Sofia in Bulgaria