
2020 Global Forum on Competition


7-10 December 2020  Paris

The 19th meeting of the OECD Global Forum on Competition took place virtually via zoom on 7-10 December 2020. Discussions topics and key materials:


Competition policy: Time for a reset?   Abuse of dominance in digital markets   Economic analysis in merger investigations  

Using market studies to tackle emerging competition issues  


Ordre du jour


Summary report



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Opening session


Opening Remarks by Angel Gurria, OECD Secretary General 

Speech by Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President European Commission

Introductory comments by Frédéric Jenny, Chair, OECD Competition Committee

Webcast of the first day of the Forum


Session 1. Competition Policy: Time for a reset?

There is a lively debate about whether fundamental changes are needed to existing competition policy frameworks. Proposals include legislative changes to capture a wider range of potentially anticompetitive mergers and conduct, to accelerate competition enforcement actions, or to enable different evidentiary standards and remedies. 

To move this debate forward, this session explored whether fundamental changes are needed to existing competition policy frameworks. The Forum will open with a keynote presentation followed by a panel discussion on this theme.

More information and materials here.


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Session 2.  Abuse of dominance in digital markets

Many digital markets exhibit certain characteristics, such as low variable costs, high fixed costs and strong network effects, that result in high market shares for a small number of firms. In some cases, these lead to “competition for the market” dynamics, in which a single firm captures the vast majority of sales.

This session discussed the main types of abuse of dominance concerns that can emerge in digital markets, what makes these markets unique, and how have competition authorities around the world tackled the challenges described above. More information and materials at the discussion page.


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Session 3. Economic analysis in merger investigations

Economic analysis is a fundamental part of merger control. It underpins the theories of harm that guide merger reviews, and it provides the tools to interpret evidence when assessing these theories. Economic expertise can be of value at each stage of a merger investigation, from evidence gathering to the assessment of remedies.

All materials related to the breakout sessions including contributions by delegations and presentations are available here.

Breakout sessions

Wrap-up plenary session 


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Session 4. Using market studies to tackle competition issues

The debate on how best to use and adjust the current competition policy framework and tools to deliver benefits to society in a changing world continues to evolve as competition authorities gain experience in both antitrust and merger cases in various industries. This experience has shown that challenges to effective competition do not come solely from anti-competitive behaviour and merger strategies. 

This session discussed the key questions facing competition authorities when considering market studies and emerging competition issues. All materials including contributions by delegations and presentations are available here.


Other business and proposals for future work

‌  The first day of the Forum is available on Youtube in English and French.

» 7 December English Youtube Live webcast of the first day of the Forum 

» Global Forum on Competition website



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