
Tax and crime

Previous Fora on Tax and Crime


Fifth OECD forum on Tax and Crime

London | 7-8 November 2017

In the wake of increased media interest and public concern, more than 200 tax crime and economic crime experts from around the world came together to discuss ways to tackle tax and economic crime more effectively. The Forum brought together experts on tax, customs, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, policing, and prosecution, to take stock of the threats posed by tax crime, the progress made in combating it, and the priorities for action.

The conference identified five priorities for action:

  1. Ensure that professional enablers help people pay the tax they owe, and play their part in tackling tax crime.
  2. Step-up the level of international and cross-government co-operation to build a comprehensive and global response to tax crime.
  3. Learn the lessons from around the world about how best to respond to tax crime by implementing the OECD's Ten Global Principles.
  4. Strengthen our ability to collaborate globally and by building capacity to share intelligence and data quickly and securely.
  5. Build capacity in all countries - including developing countries - to combat financial crimes so that there can be no hiding place for tax criminals.


Published at the Forum


Fourth OECD forum on tax and crime

Amsterdam ∙ 16-17 September 2015

This 4th edition of the OECD Oslo Dialogue, hosted by the Netherlands Tax and Customs Administration, primarily focused on the future threats and opportunities for law enforcement agencies to work together in the tax and crime area and the use of technology. Experts discussed topics that are currently high on the political agenda, such as corruption, terrorist financing, alternative payment methods, the dark web, the use of analytics and exploring emerging tax evasion risks in an era of greater transparency. 

It brought together senior policy makers and experts from different disciplines and authorities, including tax and customs administrations, anti-corruption and anti-money laundering authorities, police and law enforcement agencies, public prosecutors, development agencies and international organisations, who together share responsibility for combating financial crime in all its forms. This was the ideal opportunity for participants to discuss with their peers the strategic, organisational and operational aspects of implementing a whole of government approach to tackling serious financial crime at both the national and international level.

coverPublished at the Fourth Forum


Third International Forum on Tax and Crime

Istanbul ∙ 7-8 November 2013

Building on previous events in Oslo and Rome, the Third Forum on Tax and Crime provided an opportunity for senior government officials from tax and customs administrations, anti-money laundering and anti‑corruption authorities, police and law enforcement, public prosecutors, financial regulators and government Ministries, as well as international organisations and NGOs, to discuss current issues and country experiences on key policy and operational topics in combating all forms of financial crime.


Published at the Third Forum


 Publication cover for the report on Evading the Net: Tax Crime in the Fisheries Sector released 7 November 2013.

Evading the Net: Tax Crime in the Fisheries Sector

Publication cover for the Bribery and Corruption awareness handbook for tax examiners and tax auditors

Bribery and Corruption Awareness Handbook for Tax Examiners and Tax Auditors

Publication cover for the second edition of the Rome report on Effective Inter-agency co-operation in fighting tax crime and other crimes.

Effective Inter-Agency Co-operation in Fighting Tax Crime

Sessions focused on the following:

  • Models for improving  inter-agency co-operation in fighting financial crimes, including the launch of the updated OECD report Effective Inter-Agency Co-operation in Fighting Tax Crimes and Other Crimes.
  • Current issues in combating corruption, including a panel discussion with senior government experts and presentation on the new OECD Bribery and Corruption Awareness Handbook for Tax Examiners and Auditors.
  • Removing legal and operational barriers to effective international co-operation in combating financial crimes
  • The use of Suspicious Transaction Reports in fighting tax crimes.
  • Combating financial crime in the Fisheries Sector, including presentations on INTERPOL’s new Project Scale and the OECD report on tax crime in the sector.
  • Current strategies for detecting and combating tax evasion through electronic sales suppression.
  • Addressing issues of tobacco smuggling and its impact on other crimes including money laundering and tax offences.
  • Current strategies for stemming illicit flows from developing countries.

The event also included discussions on the outcomes of the first meeting of the new OECD Forum of Heads of Tax Crime Investigation, and the Brochure: Conducting Financial Investigations - Foundation Programme, which was launched in 2012.The Forum was jointly hosted by the Turkish Tax Administration, Tax Inspection Board and Financial Intelligence Unit and took place in Istanbul on 7-8 November 2013.


Second International Forum on Tax and Crime

Rome ∙ 14-15 June 2012

This Forum brought together senior policy makers from different government agencies including the tax, anti-money laundering and anti-corruption communities, as well as private sector representatives, NGOs and other interested stakeholders. Participants examined best practice approaches to closer inter-agency co-operation at the domestic level and explore how to improve international cooperation. The conference also showcased specific key risks in the tax and crime area, allowing countries to target resources and learn from the experience of others.


First International Forum on Tax and Crime

Oslo ∙ 21-23 March 2011

Issues related to greater inter-agency co-operation were discussed by more than 150 delegates from 54 delegations who participated in the first tax and crime forum on 21-23 March 2011 in Oslo hosted by the Norwegian government. The conference brought together representatives from a range of OECD and non-OECD governmental agencies, including Tax Administrations, Finance and Justice Ministries, Financial Intelligence Units, Central Banks, FATF, International Organisations, as well as business and NGOs.


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