Purchasing Power Parities and Prices


Price Indicators - CPI

OECD, Eurostat, IMF

Schedule 1

Data and methodology


Transmission date
Submission date
Questionnaire2 Methodology Data frequency
COICOP 1999     
No regular questionnaire transmission. Questionnaire are sent to respondent only if modifications occur. On the 20th to 26th of each month Questionnaires COICOP 1999 (CPI, CPI weights, Contribution to annual inflation) COICOP 1999


 COICOP 2018     
No regular questionnaire transmission. Questionnaire are sent to respondent only if modifications occur.  On the 20th to 26th of each month Questionnaires COICOP 2018 (CPI, CPI weights, Contribution to annual inflation)  COICOP 2018
 Monthly SDD.Prices@oecd.org


Purchasing Power Parities

OECD, Eurostat, WB

Programme description



Schedule 1

Data and methodology


Transmission date
Submission date
Questionnaire2 Methodology Data frequency
No regular date exists No regular date exists 

No formal questionnaire exists.



Annual sddpps@oecd.org


Note: The OECD PPP propramme is part of the joint 'Eurostat-OECD PPP Programme'. PPPs calculation rounds take place on a regular basis and countries participating in the programme receive a unique and tailored data request, based on a specific and detailed list of price statistics required.


Housing prices and related housing indicators

OECD, Eurostat, BIS 

Schedule 1

Data and methodology



Transmission date
Submission date
Questionnaire2 Methodology Data frequency
No regular date exists No regular date exists


Handbook on RPPI



1. When available, dates and timeliness requirements are only indicative and may be subject to change.
2. As often as possible, the most up-to-date version of the questionnaire has been included in this list, however, there can be slight variations from version to version.
In some cases, data and metadata are collected via Web Queries, online platforms and/or via SDMX and not via a questionnaire. In these cases, a list of data series requirements or classifications are made available.


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