
Science and technology


The Space Economy at a Glance 2014

The space sector plays an increasingly pivotal role in the functioning of modern societies and their economic development as the use of satellite technology gives rise to new applications, uses and markets. Space Economy at a Glance offers a statistical overview of the global space sector and its contributions to economic activity using data from over 40 countries with space programmes, and identifies new dynamics in the space sector.

Published on October 23, 2014

SUMMARIESavailable in 24 languages

English The Space Economy at a Glance 2014 (Summary in English)
Spanish Panorama de la economía del espacio 2014
German Die Weltraumindustrie auf einen Blick 2014
Japanese 図表でみる宇宙経済2014年版
Italian Uno sguardo sull’economia dello Spazio 2014
Chinese 2014年空间经济概览
Czech Stručný pohled na kosmický sektor 2014
Danish Overblik over rumøkonomien 2014
Dutch Overzicht van de ruimtevaarteconomie 2014
Estonian Kosmosemajandus lähivaates 2014
Finnish Avaruusalan talouskatsaus 2014
Greek Η οικονομία του διαστήματος με μια ματιά 2014
Hebrew מבט אל כלכלת החלל 2014
Hungarian Űrgazdasági körkép 2014
Icelandic Yfirlit yfir hagkerfi geimferða 2014
Korean 2014년 우주산업부문 개요
Norwegian Utsikter for romfartsøkonomien 2014
Polish Sektor kosmiczny w skrócie — 2014
Portuguese Panorama da Economia Espacial 2014
Russian Обзор космической экономики 2014
Slovak Prehľad kozmickej ekonomiky 2014
Slovene Pogled na vesoljski sektor v letu 2014
Swedish Rymdsektorns ekonomi: Översikt 2014
Turkish Uzay Ekonomisine Bakış 2014


Executive summary
Reader's Guide
The space sector in 2014 and beyond
Readiness factors: Inputs to the space economy4 chapters available
Civilian space R&D programmes budgets
Institutional space budgets
Regulatory framework
Human capital
Intensity: Activities and outputs in the space economy12 chapters available
Space manufacturing activities
Space launch activities
Satellite telecommunications
Satellite earth observation
Satellite weather and climate monitoring
Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS)
Space exploration activities
Human spaceflight activities
International trade in selected space products
Space-related patents
Scientific production in the space sector
Insurance market for space activities
Impacts: Bringing space down to earth5 chapters available
Evaluation of national space investments
Early warning of risks and hazards
Improved land and sea monitoring
The space industry's RandD intensity
The spin-offs from space investments
The global aerospace sector in perspective3 chapters available
The civil aerospace markets
Business enterprise RandD (BERD) in aerospace
Aerospace trade
Country profiles: Actors in the space economy11 chapters available
Guide to the profiles
United Kingdom
United States
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