


Case Studies on Leaving No One Behind

A companion volume to the Development Co-operation Report 2018

These case studies complement the 2018 Development Co-operation Report: Joining forces to leave no one behind. Case study contributors share knowledge and lessons on what it takes to answer the pledge of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to leave no one behind through national and sub-national policies, strategies and programmes as well as international development co-operation projects, programmes and partnerships. The insights, good practices and lessons shared in these case studies were provided by diverse actors. These include official development co-operation ministries and agencies from members of the OECD and the Development Assistance Committee, international organisations, developing country governments, civil society organisations, business, and research bodies.   The case studies highlight experiences from projects and programmes in leaving no one behind and reaching the furthest behind. They are organised and presented under two broad categories: 1. Reaching and including people and places; 2. The enabling role of international co-operation: policies, partnerships and data.

Published on December 11, 2018


Executive summary
Reaching and including people and places19 chapters available
Enhancing social and economic opportunities of the poorest in Latin America through graduation programmes
Helping poor and vulnerable populations in Viet Nam build resilience to negative consequences of climate change
Bringing healthcare to people living in rural areas in Liberia
Bringing affordable and accessible maternal healthcare to the poorest districts of India
India's pathway to universal electrification
Using technology to bridge access gaps in the Pacific
A holistic approach to tackling malnutrition and its consequences in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger
Helping blind children and young people to become valued adults and citizens in Guinea-Bissau
A better chance in life for the most vulnerable adolescent girls and boys in Tanzania
Helping young people in South Africa bridge the gap between intention and behaviour in their search for work
Meeting the needs of women and girls in the Rohingya crisis
Promoting economic and social empowerment among rural women in south-eastern Serbia
Strengthening the system for preventing domestic violence and protecting victims in Georgia
Addressing gender‑based violence and supporting sexual and reproductive health and rights for persons with disabilities
Success factors for integrating people with disabilities in Lebanese society
Joining forces to fight stigma against people with albinism in Mali
Supporting people-centred reform of mental healthcare in Egypt
Countering social exclusion of the elderly through entertainment: The Zrenjanin Gerontology Center case
Ending tuberculosis through low-cost and effective detection
The enabling role of international co-operation: Policies, partnerships and data24 chapters available
Institutional guidance for leaving no one behind from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
The “100% social link” commitment of Agence Française de Développement
Due diligence for the inclusion of indigenous peoples
Spurring UNDP action on disability-inclusive development
The OECD Inclusive Growth Framework
Responsible business conduct: Leaving no one behind in global supply chains
Promoting sustainable, resilient and inclusive cities in Myanmar
A programme-based approach for maternal and child health at the district level in Malawi
A scholarship programme for vulnerable religious minorities in fragile contexts
Building a movement to end child marriage
Reinventing donor co-ordination to beat neglected tropical diseases
A European partnership to mitigate the impact of forced displacement in the Middle East
South-South co-operation to leave no one behind: What it will take?
Strengthening treatment of congenital heart disease in Bolivia through triangular co-operation between Argentina, Bolivia and Germany
The 2018 Global Disability Summit - towards a step-change in disability inclusion
Cities that Work: Building partnerships to improve urban policy making in developing countries
Fourth Sector Development Initiative - multi-stakeholder collaboration to create an enabling ecosystem for For-Benefit Enterprises
Improving early warning system capacity in least developed countries and small island developing states
Analysis to understand the multidimensional nature of poverty at Sida
Enabling universal access to the Philippines' social pension programme through better data use and analysis
Leaving no one behind in Cambodia: The IDPoor poverty identification mechanism
The Individual Deprivation Measure
Expanding access to family planning services to the poorest women and girls
Formulating a relevant and measurable concept of social cohesion for South Africa
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