
By Date

  • 19-March-2018


    OECD zachęca Polskę do wykorzystania obecnej siły gospodarczej do rozwoju innowacji oraz inwestycji w podnoszenie kompetencji i infrastrukturę

    W Polsce utrzymuje się silny wzrost gospodarczy, a według nowego raportu OECD zwiększenie świadczeń rodzinnych i korzystna koniunktura na rynku pracy powodują wzrost dochodów gospodarstw domowych, przy jednoczesnym spadku wskaźnika ubóstwa i nierówności.

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  • 16-March-2018


    Tax Challenges Arising from Digitalisation: More than 110 countries agree to work towards a consensus-based solution

    More than 110 countries and jurisdictions have agreed to review two key concepts of the international tax system, responding to a mandate from the G20 Finance Ministers to work on the implications of digitalisation for taxation.

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  • 15-March-2018


    Free trade zones are being used to traffic counterfeit goods

    Rapid growth in free trade zones – where economic activity is driven by reduced taxes and customs controls, light regulation and limited oversight – is unintentionally fostering growth in counterfeit goods trafficking, according to a new report by the OECD and the EU’s Intellectual Property Office.

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  • 14-March-2018


    OECD zaprezentuje Przegląd Gospodarczy Polski w poniedziałek 19 marca 2018 r.

    Najnowszy Przegląd Gospodarczy Polski, który OECD opublikuje w poniedziałek 19 marca, poświęcony jest temu, jak utrzymać dynamiczny wzrost gospodarczy i w dalszym ciągu podnosić poziom życia.

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  • 14-March-2018


    OECD “한국, 포용적 성장을 강화하기 위해 고용 시장 및 사회보장제도 개혁에 속도 내야”

    한국 경제는 지난 40여 년 간 빠르게 성장하여 대다수 OECD 회원국의 생활 수준을 따라 잡았다. 이제 한국은 사회 안전망을 강화하고 양질의 일자리를 창출하며 포용적 성장을 촉진하기 위해 노동시장 개혁을 지속적으로 가속화해야 한다고 새로운 OECD 보고서는 권고한다.

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  • 14-March-2018


    Korea should speed up job market and social protection reforms to strengthen inclusive growth

    Korea’s economy has progressed rapidly over the past 40 years, catching up with the level of well-being in most OECD countries. It now needs to continue and speed up the reforms of its labour market in order to strengthen its social safety net, create better quality jobs and boost inclusive growth, according to a new OECD report.

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  • 13-March-2018


    OECD sees stronger world economy, but tensions are rising

    The global economic expansion is strengthening, as robust investment growth, an associated rebound in trade and higher employment drive an increasingly broad-based recovery, according to the OECD’s latest Interim Economic Outlook.

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  • 11-March-2018


    Economic expansion offers Israel opportunity to move toward a more inclusive society

    The Israeli economy continues to register remarkable performance, with strong growth, low and falling unemployment and sound public finances leading to the 15th consecutive year of economic expansion. Further reforms will be needed to drive down inequality and raise living standards for all Israelis, according to a new report from the OECD.

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  • 8-March-2018


    OECD launches Toolkit to help governments advance on gender equality goals

    The OECD has launched an initiative for International Women’s Day to help governments, parliaments and judiciaries to design gender-sensitive public policies and services and accelerate their efforts to enable equal access for women in public decision making.

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  • 8-March-2018


    Ireland recovering strongly but weak productivity and Brexit cloud outlook

    The Irish economy is recovering robustly. Business investment by local firms has picked up, household consumption is reviving while the boost to jobs and a rapidly declining unemployment rate have led to strong wage growth in a number of sectors, says a new OECD report.

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