
MENA-OECD Days 2019

The Steering Group Meeting of the MENA-OECD Initiative on Governance and Competitiveness for Development gathered the co-chairs of the Initiative as well as key stakeholders for the annual strategic reflection on the Initiative in Tunis.

The meeting was an opportunity for participants to share their views on the strategic priorities of the MENA-OECD Initiative for 2020 and pave the road to the renewal of its fifth mandate for 2021-25. The meeting also was an opportunity to take stock of progress achieved in the implementation of the 2016-20 mandate, with a special focus on impact and results.

On this occasion, the Steering Group Meeting was organised in the context of the MENA-OECD Days, which included a number of high-level discussions and the technical roundtables of several Working Groups and Networks. The meeting was opened by Tunisia, the EU and Turkey as co-chairs of the Initiative and high-level representatives from the OECD.

2019 edition now available

Read the brochure in Arabic

The MENA-OECD Initiative Steering Group Meeting 2019 through photos

family photo

Monday 17 June

Governance Programme

10.00  MENA-OECD Civil Society Partners (by invitation only)

12.30  Networking Lunch

15.00  Citizen's Cabinet

Competitiveness Programme

09.00  MENA-OECD Business Advisory Board meeting

13.00  Networking Lunch

14.30  Government Business Summit 

Tuesday 18 June

MENA-OECD Initiative Steering Group Meeting

09.00 Opening Session

09.30 Plenary Session: Regional priorities towards shared prosperity

11.15 Plenary Session: Briding the digital divide


14.00 Breakout Sessions

15.45 Coffee Break

16.00 Closing remarks and way forward

 Download the 2019 Calendar for upcoming events

Breakout Session: Governance

Section 1: Focusing on results: Impact of the MENA-OECD Governance Programme and future priorities

Section 2: Working methods

Breakout Session: Competitiveness

Section 1: Achievements and impact of the MENA-OECD Competitiveness Programme

Section 2: Identifying emerging and strategic priorities and mainstreaming key issues
(digitalisation, public-private dialogue, women economic empowerment)

Wednesday 19 June

Governance Programme

10.00  Ted Talk: Talents are spread over the world, opportunities are not

13.00   Networking Lunch

14.00   Regional Dialogue: Governance of Critical Risks, a Strategic Investment for the Future

Competitiveness Programme

Harnessing digital transformation for SME productivity and inclusion

09.00 MENA-OECD Working Group on SME Policy & Entrepreneurship

13.00 Networking Lunch

14.30 MENA-OECD Working Group on SME Policy & Entrepreneurship with EBSOMED-CAWTAR

English | French | Arabic