
The only way is up? Social Mobility and Equal Opportunities


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“The only way is up? Social Mobility and Equal Opportunities”

4th May 2017, beginning at 09:30 am

Conference Center Room 4, OECD headquarters in Paris, France

Especially since the onset of the economic crisis, people in many countries are facing stagnant living standards and social and income inequalities seem to be increasing. The policy attention has begun to shift towards the lack of equal opportunities and the transmission of (dis)advantage. The accumulation of disadvantage from one generation to the next impinges on the idea of social justice because it challenges the principle that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities.
This conference will discuss the major trends in social mobility and how these vary across countries. The sessions will consider what policies work in the field of education, labour market, urban development, health and social protection to promote equal opportunities and social mobility. The concluding panel will aim to identify how a more integrated approach bringing different policies at different levels can underpin greater equality of opportunity and promote social mobility.

A draft agenda is available online. We hope that you will join us for this important event. To register please contact Jade Baker


Morning session: 


Afternoon session:

The one-day high-level conference will bring together an interdisciplinary group of international experts, policy makers and stakeholders from OECD and EU countries to discuss evidence on the extent of mobility between generations and identify policies supporting upward mobility particularly of disadvantaged groups of the population. The Director of Eurofound - Juan Menéndez-Valdés, together with the Chief of Staff and Sherpa to the G20 - Gabriela Ramos will open the event with welcoming remarks. 



Welcome Remarks:


Gabriela Ramos, OECD Chief of Staff and Sherpa to the G20


Juan Menéndez-Valdés, Director of Eurofound


Keynote Speech:


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Richard V. Reeves – Senior Fellow, Brookings Foundation

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Discussant: Maria João Rodrigues – Member of European Parliament, EP Rapporteur for the European Pillar of Social Rights


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