
OECD Compendium of Productivity Indicators 2024

This report presents a comprehensive overview of recent and longer-term trends in productivity levels and growth in OECD countries and selected G20 economies. The different chapters feature an analysis of latest developments in productivity, economic growth, sectoral reallocation, investment, labour productivity by firm size and labour income. This edition also includes a special chapter providing insights of productivity developments in 2023 based on experimental estimates for 38 OECD countries.

Published on February 29, 2024

view previous editions


Reader’s guide
Insights on productivity developments in 2023
Cross-country comparisons of labour productivity levels
Productivity and economic growth
Industry contributions to aggregate labour productivity growth
Productivity in SMEs and large firms
Labour income and productivity
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Employment is at historic highs but productivity growth remains weak

Labour productivity growth in the OECD area remains weak and well below pre-crisis rates. Since 2010, annual growth in labour productivity has slowed to 0.9%, about half the rate recorded in the 2000-2005 pre-crisis period. Post-crisis labour productivity growth has also slowed in countries with relatively low labour productivity levels, such as Chile, Estonia, Korea and Portugal, undermining the pace of convergence towards higher labour productivity levels.

Labour productivity growth in the OECD
GDP per hour worked, percentage rate at annual rate 

Labour productivity growth in the OECD, GDP per hour worked, percentage rate at annual rate

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Compounding the impact of weak productivity growth on material well-being, is the fact that in the majority of OECD economies most jobs have been created in lower labour productivity activities, weighing down on overall labour productivity levels. Since labour compensation typically correlates highly with labour productivity, more jobs in low productivity activities has also meant more jobs with below average wages, hindering growth in average salaries in a country’s economy as a whole.


Change in employment over the period 2010-2017
Thousands of persons

Change in employment over the period 2010-2017, Thousands of persons

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The OECD Productivity Statistics database contains more and longer time series than presented in the publication. Data are available from 1970 onwards for some countries. The database is updated on a daily basis.





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