


 OECD recommendations

Productivity growth has been strong, and has even risen recently. Planned investments in infrastructure, notably public transport, will further strengthen productivity growth and well-being. Developing the rental housing market and life-long training would enhance workers’ mobility and skills, reducing inequality and enhancing inclusiveness. Easing regulatory barriers to firm entry and growth would improve prospects for young, dynamic firms.

  • Further reduce administrative burdens and entry barriers for firms.
  • Continue to enhance transport and communication infrastructure.
  • Continue expanding affordable pre-school education.
  • Ensure the full independence of the sectoral regulators, and pursue privatisation.
  • Develop technology clusters integrating research centres and vocational schools.
  • Link university teachers’ pay and career prospects to their performance, and continue strengthening links with business and foreign universities.



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Productivity - Poland 

Source: OECD May 2017 Economic Outlook database. 

 Key publications

IMF (2015), “Raising productivity growth in Poland: the role of structural transformation”, in IMF Country Report No. 15/183.

Lewandowski, P. and A. Kaminska (2014), In-work poverty in Poland: Diagnosis and possible remedies, Instytut Badán Strukturalnych,Warsaw andWorld Bank Group,Washington, DC. 

Ministerstwo Rozwoju (2016), Responsible Development Plan - Presentation, English version, Ministry of Economic Development, Warsaw.

OECD (2016), OECD Economic Surveys: Poland 2016, OECD Publishing, Paris.

Institutions icon Productivity - enhancing institutions

Ministerstwo Rozwoju, the Ministry of Economic Development 

The Ministry was created in November 2015 following the reorganisation of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development and the Ministry of Economy. It is notably in charge of programming and coordinating the elaboration and implementation of development strategies.

Narodowy Bank Polski (NBP), the national central bank

The Constitution of 1997 strengthened the role of Narodowy Bank Polski and made monetary policy the responsibility of a new NBP body - the Monetary Policy Council.


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