


 OECD recommendations

Productivity growth has been declining in the mining and non-mining sectors over the last ten years. Measures to boost productivity were introduced in 2016 to improve access to financing, increase exports of services, introduce systematic regulatory impact analyses and simplify regulatory procedures. A welcome competition bill also strengthened market studies, increased sanctions for cartels, and reformed the merger control regime. Implementation of such initiatives can raise entrepreneurship and investment and ensure that more Chileans can benefit from higher incomes.

  • Fully roll out measures of the Productivity Agenda.
  • Improve stakeholder input into the rule-making process and expand systematic ex-ante and ex-post analyses of regulations.
  • Further reduce the complexity of administrative procedures for business and simplify sector-specific regulations.
  • Reduce duality in the labour market between protected indefinite contracts and precarious fixed-term contracts.



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Productivity - Chile


Source: OECD May 2017 Economic Outlook database


 Key publications

Olaberría, Eduardo (2016), Chile: Better skills for inclusive growthOECD Economics Department Working Paper, No. 1290.

Corfo-Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (2016), “Boletín Semestral No9 Evolución de la Productividad Total de Factores en Chile”.

Institutions icon Productivity - enhancing institutions

Chilean Productivity Commission (CNP) (since 2015)

National Council of Innovation for Development (CNID) (since 2006)

Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Finance |English


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