
Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives

Digital technologies and data are transformational. People, firms and governments live, interact, work and produce differently than in the past, and these changes are accelerating rapidly. How can we realise the immense promises of digital technologies and data for growth and well-being in a fast evolving world? This report charts the road ahead. It identifies seven policy dimensions that allow governments – together with citizens, firms and stakeholders – to shape digital transformation to improve lives. It also highlights key opportunities, challenges and policies related to each dimension, offers new insights, evidence and analysis, and provides recommendations for better policies in the digital age.

Published on March 11, 2019Also available in: German, French

SUMMARIESavailable in 10 languages

English Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives (Summary in English)
French Vers le numérique : forger des politiques au service de vies meilleures
Spanish Transición digital: crear políticas para mejorar vidas
German Going Digital: Digitalen Wandel gestalten, mehr Lebensqualität sichern
Japanese デジタル化に向けて:政策形成と生活の向上
Italian Verso l’era digitale: definire le politiche digitali e migliorare la vita delle persone
Chinese 数字化:制定政策,改善生活
Korean 디지털화(Going Digital): 정책의 형성과 삶의 개선
Portuguese A Caminho do Digital: Moldando Políticas, Melhorando Vidas
Russian Переход на цифровые технологии: формирование политики, улучшение жизни


Editorial: Making digital transformation work for growth and well-being
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive Summary
Understanding digital transformation
Enhancing access
Increasing effective use
Unleashing innovation
Ensuring good jobs for all
Promoting social prosperity
Strengthening trust
Fostering market openness
Developing a digital transformation strategy
Defining a future digital agenda
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Key facts and messages


Going Digital toolkit

The OECD's Going Digital Toolkit helps countries assess their state of digital development and formulate policy strategies and approaches in response. The Toolkit features interactive indicators, policy guidance and analysis to help countries realise the promises of digital transformation. Additional indicators and a future measurement agenda can be found in the companion publication Measuring the Digital Transformation: A Roadmap for the Future.


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