
Latest Documents

  • 10-February-2006

    English, , 2,232kb

    OECD Studies in Risk Management - United States: Disaster Information Needs of Ethnic Minorities

    The study develops a tool that the New Mexico Indian tribes/communities can use to assess their exposure and vulnerability to hazards, as well as their capabilities and needs for managing disaster risks.

  • 10-February-2006

    English, , 4,343kb

    OECD Studies in Risk Management - Denmark: Assessing Societal Risks and Vulnerabilities

    Denmark is currently reappraising its strategy for managing major risks. The aim of the study is to contribute to ongoing reflections on how to better assess the country’s vulnerabilities and exposure to hazards.

  • 10-February-2006

    English, , 2,450kb

    OECD Studies in Risk Management - Sweden: Safety of the Elderly

    The elderly are particularly exposed in disasters. The study looks at how the situation of the elderly may evolve in the next decades and how risk and vulnerability management can be adapted accordingly.

  • 10-February-2006

    English, , 2,355kb

    OECD Studies in Risk Management - Norway: Information Security

    The development of information and communication technologies has created new opportunities for society, but also new threats and vulnerabilities. The study looks at possible public responses to improve information security.

  • 10-February-2006

    English, , 2,418kb

    OECD Studies in Risk Management - Norway: Tunnel Safety

    The number of tunnels in Norway and its topography make tunnel risk management particularly challenging. The study reviews recent developments in other OECD countries and proposes possible policy responses.

  • 10-February-2006

    English, , 4,769kb

    OECD Studies in Risk Management - Italy: Industrial Hazards triggered by floods

    The interaction of floods and industrial accidents may be catastrophic. The study aims to document the current situation regarding the risk of accidents triggered by floods, and to prepare for a self-assessment of Italian practices.

  • 29-novembre-2004

    Français, , 1,241kb

    L'Economie de la sécurité

    Le secteur de la sécurité est un pan en pleine expansion de l’activité économique. Ces dernières années, un sentiment de hausse de la criminalité, la menace d’attentats terroristes et la libéralisation croissante de la circulation des biens, des capitaux et des hommes, ont provoqué.

    Documents connexes
  • 2-December-2003

    English, , 125kb

  • 11-novembre-2003

    Français, , 3,266kb

    Les risques émergents: vers un programme d'action

    Le risque est indissociable de notre vie depuis l’aube de l’humanité. Les situations de risque sont plus nombreuses aujourd’hui, et les progrès de la technologie nous y ont sensibilisés davantage, qu’il s’agisse de ceux que nous connaissions déjà dans le passé, ou de nouveaux risques...

  • 15-September-2003

    English, Excel, 231kb

    Lessons Learned in Dealing with Large-Scale Disasters

    The events reviewed have affected large concentrations of people and disrupted vital systems such as energy supplies, transport and communications. They spread beyond the region originally affected and in some cases generated distrust of the ability of governments to protect people. The focus of this report is primarily on restoring trust and securing recovery after a major harmful event has occurred.

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