

Eastern Europe and South Caucasus: Competitiveness and Private Sector Development



Launch event - the key findings from this publication were launched at a Ministerial Conference on Enterprise and Competitiveness Policies for Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus in Prague on 15-17 June 2011.



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With a total population of over 75 million people and a strategic location between wealthy trading partners, with Russia to the east and a vast market of EU citizens to the west, the Eastern Europe and South Caucasus (EESC) region is attractive as a destination for investment and trade. It is endowed with significant human and resources ranging from the black soil in Ukraine that produces some of the best wheat in the world, to energy reserves in Azerbaijan and unexplored water resources in several countries. However, in spite of recent growth – an average of almost 8% of GDP during 1998-2008 – the region’s productivity levels remain 77% below the world average.

The OECD Eastern Europe and South Caucasus Competitiveness Outlook examines the key policies that would increase competitiveness in the countries of the region through developing human capital, improving access to finance for SMEs and creating more and better investment opportunities.


Table of contents

Chapter 1  The Competitiveness Potential of Eastern Europe and South Caucasus
Chapter 2  Strengthening the Pillars of Competitiveness
Chapter 3  Developing Human Capital
Chapter 4  Improving Access to Financing for Smaller Enterprises
Chapter 5  Maximising the Potential of Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 6  Diversifying FDI and Developing Competitiveness Strategies: The Case of Ukraine



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