
By Date

  • 14-December-2022


    Data shaping firms and markets

    Firms are at the forefront of digital transformation and drive production, innovation and the greater deployment of digital technologies into economies and societies. As digital transformation progresses, how firms use data, and how that use affects markets and influences competitive dynamics, has risen to the top of policy agendas. This report highlights that too few firms use data, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, despite data’s potential to boost productivity, foster innovation and new business models. This report analyses how this uneven use of data affects productivity dispersion, industry concentration and shape competitive dynamics in markets. Finally, the report outlines key policy lessons to increase the ability of the full business population to thrive in the data-driven age and enhance long-term prosperity and welfare.
  • 14-December-2022


    Fostering cross-border data flows with trust

    Data flows are critical for our global economic and social interactions, but trust is necessary to facilitate data sharing, especially across borders. The challenge is to foster a global digital environment that enables the movement of data across international borders while ensuring that, upon crossing a border, data are granted the desired oversight and protection – a concept known as ‘data free flow with trust’ (DFFT). This report summarises how different countries and stakeholders are pursuing cross-border data flows with trust through direct and indirect approaches, across different levels, fora and policy communities. It then looks at related issues to promoting DFFT namely: interoperability of privacy and data protection frameworks; government access to personal data held by the private sector; and data localisation measures. The report shows that, although differences remain, there are commonalities, complementarities and elements of convergence that can help to build trust, foster future interoperability, and advance DFFT.
  • 14-December-2022


    Responding to societal challenges with data - Access, sharing, stewardship and control

    Data access, sharing and re-use ('data openness') can generate significant social and economic benefits, including addressing public health emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. However, data openness also comes with risks to individuals and organisations – notably risks to privacy and data protection, intellectual property rights, digital and national security. It also raises ethical concerns where data access, sharing and re-use undermine ethical values and norms. This report demonstrates how approaches to data stewardship and control that are more balanced and differentiated can maximise the benefits of data, while protecting individuals’ and organisations’ rights and taking into account other legitimate interests and public policy objectives. It presents the mix of technical, organisational and legal approaches that characterises these more balanced and differentiated approaches, and how governments have implemented them.
  • 13-December-2022


    Multi-dimensional Review of the Dominican Republic - Towards Greater Well-being for All

    The Dominican Republic has made strides on many socioeconomic fronts over the years. The country has been one of the leading economies in Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of GDP growth, reaching upper middle-income status in 2011. However, progress on the different dimensions of well-being has been insufficient. In particular, socioeconomic and territorial disparities are still important, and public institutions remain insufficiently solid. For the Dominican Republic to embark on a more prosperous development path, three critical dimensions must be tackled. First, providing quality jobs for all, with particular emphasis on boosting formalisation and productive transformation. Second, mobilising more public and private finance for development, with more progressive and effective taxation systems, more efficient public expenditure and deeper capital markets. Third, accelerating digital transformation to boost productivity, enhance inclusion and support job creation.
  • 13-December-2022


    What skills and abilities can automation technologies replicate and what does it mean for workers? - New evidence

    This paper exploits novel data on the degree of automatability of approximately 100 skills and abilities collected through an original survey of experts in AI, and link them to occupations using information on skill and ability requirements extracted from O*NET. Similar to previous studies, this allows gauging the number of jobs potentially affected by automation and the workers who are most at risk of automation. The focus on the automatability of skills and abilities as opposed to entire occupations permits a direct assessment of the share of highly automatable and bottleneck tasks in each occupation. The study finds that thanks to advances in AI and robotics, several high-level cognitive skills can now be automated. However, high-skilled occupations continue to be less at risk of automation because they also require skills and abilities that remain important bottlenecks to automation. Furthermore, jobs at highest risk of automation will not disappear completely, as only 18 to 27% of skills and abilities required in these occupations are highly automatable. Rather, the organisation of work will change and workers in these jobs will need to retrain, as technologies replace workers for several tasks.
  • 8-December-2022


    Interagency Coordination in Economic Crime Investigations in Latvia

    Economic and financial crimes are growing in numbers, complexity and reach, making them increasingly difficult to investigate and successfully prosecute. This report details efforts in Latvia to strengthen its criminal justice system against financial and economic crimes. It highlights the range of challenges common to numerous jurisdictions, and describes progress made in Latvia to address these challenges through interagency cooperation mechanisms. Finally, it provides recommendations for areas requiring further attention.
  • 8-décembre-2022


    Placer l’humain au cœur de la transformation numérique - Document de référence destiné à la Réunion ministérielle du CPEN

    La transformation numérique touche tous les aspects de notre vie, mettant à notre disposition de nouveaux espaces et de nouveaux outils pour communiquer, travailler, consommer et jouir de nos droits. Elle offre une multitude de possibilités, dans le champ économique et social, mais comporte également des risques nouveaux et complexes. Par conséquent, un environnement numérique émancipateur et sûr qui place l’humain au cœur de la transformation numérique est un objectif d’action crucial à l’ère actuelle. À travers une famille fictive qui se fraie un chemin entre ces opportunités et ces risques, ce document donne à voir comment la transformation numérique nous touche individuellement, que ce soit en tant que citoyens, consommateurs ou travailleurs. Nous y trouverons une présentation générale de l’environnement réglementaire ainsi qu’une description des efforts internationaux, multipartites et nuancés nécessaires pour parvenir à concilier des droits, intérêts et valeurs différents. Comme référence pour la Réunion ministérielle du Comité de la politique de l’économie numérique de 2022, ce document apporte des éléments d’information utiles pour aider les responsables politiques dans la conception et l’accomplissement d’une transformation numérique centrée sur l’humain.
  • 6-décembre-2022


    Exploiter la puissance de l’IA et des technologies émergentes - Document de référence destiné à la Réunion ministérielle du CPEN

    L’IA et les technologies émergentes sont formidablement porteuses de bien-être, de productivité, de croissance et de solutions aux impératifs sociétaux. Elles n’en soulèvent pas moins des risques pour les droits humains, l'équité et l'agentivité humaine, entre autres exemples. Nombre de pays admettent la nécessité de se doter de politiques tournées vers l’avenir et d'adapter les cadres de gouvernance de façon à ne pas être à la traîne et à profiter des avantages technologiques pour un risque minimum. Le présent rapport s’inscrit dans le prolongement des vastes travaux que l’OCDE consacre aux questions de l’IA, de la gouvernance des données et de la connectivité afin d’accompagner au mieux les responsables de l’élaboration des politiques. Soulignant l’importance de coopérer à l’échelle internationale pour garantir la fiabilité des technologies émergentes, ses auteurs prônent l’établissement d'une conception commune de l’intelligence artificielle et des technologies émergentes, la mutualisation des bonnes pratiques et la création d'un socle factuel afin que les politiques soient conçues, mises en œuvre et évaluées sur la base d’informations précises.
  • 2-décembre-2022


    Les leviers numériques de l’économie mondiale - Document de référence destiné à la Réunion ministérielle du CPEN

    Les technologies numériques ont transformé l’économie globale. Le présent document étudie trois leviers numériques qui sous-tendent l’économie ainsi que les défis et les possibilités qu’ils induisent pour les responsables de l’action publique : (1) les plateformes en ligne, qui abritent les interactions et les transactions mais suscitent également des inquiétudes en termes de concurrence et de protection des consommateurs ; (2) les flux transfrontières de données, qui facilitent les échange internationaux mais sont aussi synonymes de préoccupations accrues pour les pouvoirs publics, les poussant à prendre des mesures politiques pour les conditionner; et (3) la sécurité numérique, qui devrait être prioritisée pour intégrer la confiance dans l’économie numérique, mais qui est souvent au second plan en raison de l’asymétrie d’information sur le marché. Ces défis ont une portée internationale et nécessitent donc une réponse politique à l’échelle mondiale. L’OCDE est bien placée pour favoriser la coopération internationale pour ces leviers numériques et aider les pays à assouvir leur ambition pour des cadres d’action mondiaux en matière de numérique.
  • 15-November-2022


    Measuring the environmental impacts of artificial intelligence compute and applications - The AI footprint

    Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can use massive computational resources, raising sustainability concerns. This report aims to improve understanding of the environmental impacts of AI, and help measure and decrease AI’s negative effects while enabling it to accelerate action for the good of the planet. It distinguishes between the direct environmental impacts of developing, using and disposing of AI systems and related equipment, and the indirect costs and benefits of using AI applications. It recommends the establishment of measurement standards, expanding data collection, identifying AI-specific impacts, looking beyond operational energy use and emissions, and improving transparency and equity to help policy makers make AI part of the solution to sustainability challenges.
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