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  • 21-November-2016


    SME and Entrepreneurship Policy in Israel 2016

    This report examines Israel’s performance in stimulating SMEs and entrepreneurship and makes recommendations for government policy. A dual economy has gradually emerged in Israel, in which high rates of successful technology-based entrepreneurship contrast with low average productivity and growth in traditional SMEs. Israel has excellent framework conditions and programmes for technology-based start-ups and SMEs in areas such as R&D, high-level skills generation and venture capital finance. These strengths need to be maintained. At the same time, more needs to be done to spread success to all types of SMEs and all groups of the Israeli population. This report recommends a range of new and expanded interventions for example in access to credit, broad innovation, workforce skills development, management support and entrepreneurship education. It recommends underpinning these actions with a national SME and entrepreneurship policy strategy and new arrangements for inter-ministerial co-ordination.
  • 20-October-2016


    Start-up Latin America 2016 - Building an Innovative Future

    Start-ups are gaining momentum in Latin America. Start-up Latin America 2016: Building an innovative future reviews the dynamics of start-ups and the policies for start-up promotion in four countries in the region –  Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. The report reviews the policy mix for start-up promotion and highlights the progress made by each country and future challenges. It identifies good practices in promoting start-ups and lessons learned in Latin America in the design and implementation of policies.
  • 24-août-2016


    Les Principes directeurs : 40 ans et toujours cruciaux

    Quatre décennies après leur adoption, les Principes directeurs de l’OCDE à l’intention des entreprises multinationales sont plus utiles que jamais pour faire en sorte que les entreprises adoptent un comportement responsable, où qu’elles opèrent.

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  • 17-August-2016


    Boosting Kazakhstan's National Intellectual Property System for Innovation

    National intellectual property (IP) systems can play a pivotal role in fostering innovation and knowledge diffusion. This report analyses Kazakhstan’s IP system with regards to its support of the country’s innovation performance. In particular, it assesses the organisation and governance of Kazakhstan's IP system as well as the needs and challenges faced by different groups of actual and potential IP users – ranging from universities and public research institutions to state-owned enterprises and small businesses. The review provides a comprehensive set of statistics describing the use of IP in Kazakhstan in recent years, identifies the system’s strengths and weaknesses, and presents a range of specific policy recommendations to address existing challenges.
  • 28-juillet-2016


    Favoriser la productivité et la croissance inclusive : un double défi

    Les économies avancées restent engluées dans la crise. Les revenus progressent très lentement, surtout dans la moitié inférieure de la distribution. Deux tendances mondiales, le ralentissement de la productivité et le creusement des inégalités, reflètent l’état de l’action publique, et soulignent les défis auxquels sont confrontés les décideurs pour infléchir les perspectives offertes à leurs citoyens et à l’économie mondiale.

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  • 5-July-2016


    Tackling the productivity paradox: The OECD Global Forum on Productivity

    The nexus of slowing productivity growth and rising inequality is capturing the attention of policymakers and researchers. The productivity slowdown, its causes, and the link with inclusiveness will be discussed on 7-8 July in Lisbon at the first Annual Conference of the new Global Forum on Productivity, which was created by the OECD in collaboration with a number of Member and non-Member countries.

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  • 21-June-2016


    15 years of the National Contact Points

    Fifteen years after the creation of National Contact Points as a means to improve the implementation of the Guidelines, the OECD has conducted an analysis of the functioning and performance of the National Contact Points.

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  • 15-June-2016


    Inclusive Entrepreneurship Policy

    A three-year programme of co-operation between the European Commission and LEED on self-employment and entrepreneurship in Europe.

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  • 3-juin-2016


    Forum économique internationale sur l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes

    L'édition 2016 du Forum, qui aura lieu le 3 juin à Paris, a pour thème "Nouveaux défis et alliances innovantes dans un monde en mutation" et comprendra deux tables rondes thématiques : "Redéfinir les partenariats pour soutenir la croissance inclusive et durable" et "Des politiques innovantes pour augmenter la productivité et combattre les inégalités".

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  • 2-juin-2016


    Forum de l'OCDE 2016 : Economies productives, sociétés inclusives

    Le Forum 2016, intitulé "Economies productives, sociétés inclusives", s'articulera autour de trois thèmes transversaux, aussi à l'ordre du jour de la Réunion ministérielle : croissance inclusive et productivité, innovation et économie numérique, et coopération entre les pays au service de la mise en œuvre des grands accords et normes internationaux.

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