
By Date

  • 31-July-2023


    DeFi liquidations - Volatility and liquidity

    This work delves into the liquidations mechanism inherent in Decentralised Finance (DeFi) lending protocols and the connection between liquidations and price volatility in decentralised exchanges (DEXs). The analysis employs transactional data of three of the largest DeFi lending protocols and provides evidence of a positive relation between liquidations and post-liquidations price volatility across the main DEX pools. Without directly observing the behaviour of liquidators, these findings indirectly indicate that liquidators require market liquidity to carry out large liquidations and affect market conditions while doing so.
  • 26-July-2023


    Workshop on Sovereign debt management, sustainable bonds and debt transparency

    26-27 July 2023 - This two-day workshop will be focusing on sovereign debt management, sustainable bonds and debt transparency.

    Related Documents
  • 26-juillet-2023


    Manuel à l’intention des entreprises sur le devoir de diligence dans le secteur du cacao - Lutter contre le travail des enfants et le travail forcé

    Le présent Manuel a pour but d’aider les entreprises à identifier et prévenir les risques relatifs au travail des enfants et au travail forcé dans le secteur du cacao, et à y remédier. Ce Manuel repose sur les principales normes internationales soutenues par les gouvernements en matière de devoir de diligence dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement et de conduite responsable des entreprises : les Principes directeurs de l’OCDE à l’intention des entreprises multinationales sur la conduite responsable des entreprises ainsi que le Guide OCDE sur le devoir de diligence pour une conduite responsable des entreprises et le Guide OCDE-FAO pour des filières agricoles responsables y afférent. Le présent Manuel a été élaboré en collaboration avec la fondation International Cocoa Initiative (ICI), avec le soutien financier du ministère allemand de la Coopération économique et du Développement (BMZ) et les contributions techniques de la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ).
  • 24-July-2023


    Sustainable Finance

    Financial Consumers and Sustainable Finance

    Related Documents
  • 24-July-2023


    Financial consumers and sustainable finance - Policy implications and approaches

    This report explores issues, opportunities and challenges for financial consumers in relation to sustainable finance. It examines current trends in terms of consumer demand for and experience with sustainable finance products, as well as new risks to consumers posed by sustainable finance products. This report also explores financial consumer protection tools and responses available to policy makers and oversight authorities, illustrated by selected examples of how these tools and responses are being deployed around the world. Finally, this report offers a number of policy considerations to help guide policy makers and oversight authorities responsible for financial consumer protection.
  • 18-July-2023


    Financing Cities of Tomorrow - G20/OECD Report for the G20 Infrastructure Working Group under the Indian Presidency

    By 2050, the global population living in cities is projected to reach 5 billion, growing from 3.5 billion in 2015. Massive investment in infrastructure will be needed to accommodate this growth, and to adapt infrastructure to climate change and benefit from the digital transition. This report explores three ways to meet this challenge. Firstly, it outlines how new forms of urban planning can help to mobilise private finance for inclusive, resilient and sustainable urban investment. Secondly, it explores how leveraging private investment can help to strengthen cities capacity to support needed investment in a tighter fiscal environment. Finally, it considers the potential opportunities and challenges for mobilising sustainable finance – green, social and sustainable bonds and loans, sustainability-linked bonds and catastrophe bonds – for infrastructure investment by City Governments. The report also includes 17 short case studies from 12 countries that demonstrate innovative practices for creating the Cities of Tomorrow.
  • 7-juillet-2023


    Dynamiques du développement en Afrique 2023 - Investir dans le développement durable

    La publication Dynamiques du développement en Afrique tire les leçons des expériences des cinq régions du continent – Afrique australe, centrale, de l’Est, du Nord et de l’Ouest – pour élaborer des recommandations en matière de politiques publiques et partager les bonnes pratiques sur l’ensemble du continent. Étayé par les statistiques les plus récentes, son décryptage des dynamiques de développement vise à permettre aux leaders africains de réaliser la vision stratégique de l’Agenda 2063 à tous les niveaux : continental, régional, national et local. Cette édition explore les différentes manières dont l'Afrique peut attirer les investissements offrant le meilleur équilibre entre ses objectifs économiques, sociaux et environnementaux. Ses nouvelles données et analyses sont mises à la disposition des décideurs dans le but d’améliorer l’évaluation des risques, de renforcer les partenariats pilotés par les Africains et d’accélérer l'intégration régionale de manière à accroître les investissements durables. Deux chapitres dressent l’état des lieux des investissements en Afrique et les priorités connexes en matière de politiques publiques. Les cinq autres chapitres proposent des recommandations adaptées à chaque région dans des domaines stratégiques tels que les écosystèmes naturels, les énergies renouvelables, la finance climatique et les chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires. Cette publication entend nourrir le débat entre gouvernements de l’Union africaine, citoyens, entrepreneurs et chercheurs. Fruit de la collaboration entre la Commission de l’Union africaine et le Centre de développement de l’OCDE, elle propose une nouvelle coopération entre pays et régions, tournée vers l’apprentissage mutuel et la préservation des biens communs.
  • 7-July-2023


    OECD-FAO Business Handbook on Deforestation and Due Diligence in Agricultural Supply Chains

    This handbook was developed by OECD and FAO to help companies embed considerations on deforestation and forest degradation into their corporate due diligence procedures. It is informed by FAO’s extensive work and experience on halting deforestation and forest degradation and promoting responsible governance of tenure. The handbook builds on the leading international, government-backed standards on supply chain due diligence and responsible business conduct: the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct and the associated due diligence framework set out in the OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct. This handbook demonstrates how the OECD-FAO Guidance can be applied to address deforestation by contextualising existing recommendations and directing users towards helpful sources of due diligence information.
  • 5-July-2023


    Rethinking Regional Attractiveness in the New Global Environment

    The Rethinking Regional Attractiveness in the New Global Environment report highlights lessons learned from multiple regional case studies from five EU countries (Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden), additional work with Latin American and Caribbean regions, and a series of webinars and one-on-one dialogues on rethinking regional attractiveness. The OECD’s innovative multidimensional approach to assessing regional attractiveness considers global engagement beyond international connections and economic factors alone. The methodology considers more than 50 indicators to develop regional attractiveness profiles covering six domains of attractiveness: economic attraction, connectedness, visitor appeal, natural environment, resident well-being, and land-use and housing. The report helps regional and national policy makers to understand how individual regions fare in a new global environment that continues to deal with the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, compounded by the consequences of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and existing megatrends – all of which produce asymmetric impacts within and between countries and regions – and identify the policy levers available to enhance their attractiveness to the international target groups of investors, talent, and visitors. It also considers the need to co-ordinate across levels of government, across policy fields, and with private stakeholders, and highlights good practices to implement regional attractiveness policies.
  • 5-July-2023


    Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and democratic values

    Discussions on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) have so far mostly focused on the potential risks that these currencies could represent for financial intermediation and financial stability. It is important, however, to also consider how they could contribute to the welfare of citizens, and how they can be leveraged to help uphold certain democratic values. This paper explores how the design and implementation of CBDCs can help countries mitigate threats to individual liberties and human rights, as well as promote the equitable treatment of citizens, the protection of privacy, and citizens’ trust in central banks. The sound governance architecture of CBDC systems at the national and international level can further support these objectives.
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