
Evaluation des produits chimiques

OECD Environmental Risk Assessment Toolkit: Tools for environmental risk assessment and management


This page aims to provide access to practical tools on environmental risk assessment and management of chemicals. It describes the work flow of environmental risk assessment and management with links to relevant OECD products that can be used in each step of the workflow.

The Toolkit has been revised:

  1. to include resources other than OECD products, and

  2. to incorporate three examples (i.e. textile dye, pesticide and environmental quality standard setting) which show the risk assessment steps involved in each case.




NOTE: The Toolkit does not provide extensive guidance for all aspects of Risk Assessment, but focuses on products and tools developed in the OECD Environment, Health and Safety Programme.

This page focuses on environmental risk assessment. For risk assessment for human health, please refer to the WHO Human Health Risk Assessment Toolkit project conducted by WHO/IPCS.


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