
Latest Documents

  • 26-August-2016


    The climate scientist and the teacher - Insights blog

    Climate change is not just about a change in climate towards hotter, wetter, and drier conditions, but also about an increase in the variability of the climate, as well as in the number and severity of extreme events.

  • 8-August-2016


    Climate Fund Inventory: report and database

    The Climate Fund Inventory (CFI) database is a qualitative database of bilateral and multilateral public climate funds. This CFI initiative is in response to the proliferation of the number of climate funds that have been established to support countries with their climate change mitigation and adaptation actions, as well as readiness activities.

    Related Documents
  • 31-May-2016


    Green Investment Banks - Scaling up Private Investment in Low-carbon, Climate-resilient Infrastructure

    This report provides the first comprehensive study of publicly capitalised green investment banks (GIBs), analysing the rationales, mandates and financing activities of this relatively new category of public financial institution. Based on the experience of over a dozen GIBs and GIB-like entities, the report provides a non-prescriptive stock-taking of the diverse ways in which these public institutions are catalysing private investment in low-carbon, climate-resilient infrastructure and other green sectors, with a spotlight on energy efficiency projects. The report also provides practical information to policy makers on how green investment banks are being set up, capitalised and staffed.
  • 4-May-2016


    Carbon emissions all at sea: why was shipping left out of the Paris Climate Agreement? Insights Blog

    A stern warning for climate change, and our health - Shipping brings us 90% of world trade and has increased in size by 400% in the last 45 years. Cargo ships, tankers and dry-bulk tankers are an essential element of a globalised world economy, but they are thirsty titans and they won’t settle for diet drinks. There are up to 100,000 working vessels on the ocean and some travel an incredible 2/3 of the distance to the moon in one year.

    Related Documents
  • 30-April-2016


    The Other CCS: Carbon Capture & Storage vs. Carbon Cap & Share - Insights Blog

    The initials ‘CCS’ usually stand for Carbon Capture and Storage. However, I was with the team in Paris during COP21 promoting the Cap Global Carbon proposal; the mechanism embodied in Cap Global Carbon is Cap & Share, and it occurred to us that the name ‘Carbon Cap & Share’ has the same initials, CCS. Are these two types of CCS complementary or antagonistic? Are they friends or enemies?

    Related Documents
  • 20-April-2016


    Post Paris, should we be going for CCCS = Compulsory Carbon Capture and Storage? Insights Blog

    Clearly a revolution in the global economy is needed for a heavy reduction of GHG emissions. You may have heard of Carbon Capture and Storage or CCS. This technology prevents CO2 from fossil fuel combustion from accumulating in the atmosphere.

    Related Documents
  • 30-March-2016


    Webinar: What we think about global warming?

    Cloudy head on climate change? Join the webinar on Wednesday 30 March 2016 from 1-2 pm (Paris time) with Professor Per Espen Stoknes on What we think about... when we try not to think about... global warming!

    Related Documents
  • 28-janvier-2016


    Vers une décarbonisation de l’économie mondiale : quelle direction prendre après la COP21 - Vidéo en direct

    L’AIE a le plaisir de d'annoncer le 2ème événement de Big IdEAs, nouveau cycle de conférences par des orateurs prestigieux. Le vendredi 29 janvier à 11h30, le professeur Sir David King, représentant spécial du Ministre britannique des Affaires étrangères pour le changement climatique, s’exprimera sur le thème : « Vers une décarbonisation de l’économie mondiale : quelle direction prendre après la COP21 ».

    Documents connexes
  • 21-January-2016


    COP21 was decades in the making, so how do we make future decades work for climate? Insights blog

    Given the years of preparation – and for some OECD colleagues, a life’s work – my hope was for an enduring, ambitious text, helping us to avoid climate catastrophe. My expectation was far less grand, more closely aligned to the reality of getting 195 countries to adopt an agreement with legal force.

  • 5-janvier-2016


    L'adaptation nationale au changement climatique - Nouvelles pratiques de suivi et d'évaluation

    Les pays en développement ont de plus en plus recours à des politiques et des plans nationaux stratégiques, dont l'efficacité dépendra de l'évaluation correcte de la vulnérabilité de ce pays au changement climatique. Ce rapport se fonde sur les pratiques de suivi et d'évaluation qui émergent des pays développés et en développement, et identifie quatre outils que les pays peuvent utiliser dans leurs propres cadres d'évaluation: 1) l'évaluation des risques et vulnérabilités liés au changement climatique, 2) des indicateurs pour suivre les progrès réalisés quant aux priorités d'adaptation, 3) l’évaluation de projets ou programmes, permettant de recenser les approches d'adaptation les plus efficaces, et 4) des audits nationaux et suivi des dépenses liées au climat.La combinaison appropriée d'outils pour suivre et évaluer l'adaptation nationale au changement climatique sera dans une large mesure déterminée par la disponibilité des données, la capacité de suivi et d'évaluation, et la capacité donnée d’un pays à réunir les producteurs et les utilisateurs d'informations climatiques pertinentes. Le rapport examine également comment les apporteurs de coopération pour le développement peuvent soutenir les pays partenaires dans leurs efforts pour suivre et évaluer l'adaptation.
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