

  • 14-October-2015


    The Carbon Clock is ticking!

    It has become the accepted wisdom that meeting the global climate challenge will require zero net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the end of this century. Read the full op-ed by Gabriela Ramos, OECD Special Advisor to the OECD Secretary-General.

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  • 6-October-2015


    How the private sector can advance development

    The recently adopted SDGs for the post-2015 era focus on economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection as interconnected dimensions of broader global development. Unlike the MDGs, achieving this new set of ambitious goals calls for bolder action from diverse actors across society, whose collective efforts outweigh what they could deliver individually. And the private sector is not least among these actors. Why?

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  • 16-September-2015


    Guyana and Norway are showing how climate action can deliver results

    The most vulnerable communities and poorest countries in the world are the ones that suffer the most from climate change, despite the fact that they have done almost nothing to cause the problem.

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  • 7-September-2015


    The rarest and most powerful natural resource

    The global development progress over the past decades has been unprecedented in human history. Extreme poverty has been halved and in the People’s Republic of China alone, more than 600 million people have been brought out of poverty. The world is now embarking on the historic mission to end extreme poverty by 2030 and to implement the new Sustainable Development Goals.

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  • 21-juillet-2015


    Un gain pour la planète est un gain pour l’humanité

    Les destinées de l’humanité et de l’environnement sont comme les deux faces d’une même pièce ; c’est pourquoi nous devons nous concentrer non plus seulement sur le développement, mais sur le développement durable. Pour cela, nous devons construire des coalitions mondiales pour progresser sur un certain nombre de questions.

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  • 16-June-2015


    Striving for excellence – international sporting events we can be proud of

    This blog post John Morrison, Executive Director of the Institute for Human Rights and Business, discusses what the social responsibilities of sporting events should be and argues for greater oversight and due diligence at every stage of the mega-sporting events delivery process.

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  • 14-June-2015


    As demands for better human rights reporting grow fast, help is at hand

    This blog post discusses how the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework, introduced in February 2015, help companies provide evidence of how they are conducting human rights due diligence: the process of assessing and addressing their human rights impacts, and tracking and communicating how well they do so.

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  • 29-mai-2015


    Halte à une injustice croissante

    Selon les résultats choquants d’une nouvelle étude d’Oxfam, les 1 % les plus riches de la planète détiendront, si les tendances actuelles se poursuivent, plus de la moitié des richesses mondiales en 2016.

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  • 27-April-2015


    PISA for Development - Paraguay

    Here you can find country specific information regarding Paraguay's participation in PISA for Development

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  • 25-mars-2015


    Égalité des genres et coopération au développement

    Présentation du réseau du CAD sur l'égalité des genres (GENDERNET)

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