
Latest Documents

  • 8-March-2011

    English, , 2,238kb

    Standard Setting- Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    Standard setting yields substantial benefits to consumers and often promotes competition to benefit consumers. Nonetheless, at times, standard setting can give rise to potential consumer harms. By bringing together different players in an industry, the standard setting process provides an opportunity for collusion, deception and strategy about which regulators must be vigilant and proactive. The discussion held found that a standard

  • 26-November-2010

    English, , 2,646kb

    Electricity: Renewables and Smart Grids - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    This document reviews the competition policy implications of increasing penetration of renewable energy. It includes submissions from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the European Union, France, Greece, Hungary, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and business.

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  • 5-October-2010

    English, , 1,391kb

    Competition and Credit Rating Agencies - Competition Policy Hearings - OECD

    Credit ratings provide an opinion on the relative ability and willingness of parties with debt obligations to meet financial commitments. They have three functions: to measure the credit risk of the issuer, to provide a means of comparison and to provide a common standard. The credit rating market is a natural oligopoly, with three Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) accounting for more than 90% of the market. The recent financial crisis

  • 3-September-2010

    English, Excel, 1,834kb

    Generic Pharmaceuticals - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    Practices that may harm competition in the pharmaceutical sector have emerged as important and controversial issues in recent years. This proceedings examine the nature of competition between generic and branded products in the pharmaceutical sector, as well as the effects on competition of agreements to delay the entry of generics on the market. It includes an analytical note by the staff of the United States Federal Trade

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  • 3-September-2010

    English, , 3,149kb

    Competition, Concentration and Stability in the Banking Sector - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    Is financial stability enhanced or weakened by competition? This proceedings addresses the link between concentration and competition in the financial sector. It includes reports from Australia, Bulgaria, Chile, Egypt, the European Commission, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Switzerland, Chinese Taipei, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United

  • 13-August-2010


    Finance, business and the crisis

    Read about OECD efforts to help governments improve the domestic and global policies that affect business and markets in the wake of the global economic crisis.

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  • 10-May-2010

    English, , 1,326kb

    Australia: The Role of Competition Policy in Regulatory Reform

    This review assesses how the country deals with competition and regulatory issues, from the soundness of its competition law to the structure and effectiveness of its competition institutions.

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  • 23-juin-2009

    Français, , 269kb

    Les pensions privés et les réponses des pouvoirs publics à la crise

    Ce rapport décrit les raisons pour lesquelles les pensions professionnelles jouent un rôle considérable dans les pays de l’OCDE et dans le reste du monde, en apportant aux retraités un complément de revenus par rapport aux régimes publics. Le volume des actifs gérés pour le compte des participants aux plans, soit 22 000 milliards USD à la fin 2008, témoigne de leur importance sur le plan financier. Le vieillissement démographique a

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  • 16-June-2009

    English, , 16,051kb

    Competition and Financial Markets

    The financial sector is vulnerable to systemic loss of trust. The current crisis resulted from failures in financial market regulation, not failure of competition. Competition and stability can co-exist in the financial sector: more competitive market structures promote stability by reducing the number of banks that are “too big to fail”. Competition helps make the financial sector efficient and ensure that rescue and stimulus

  • 15-June-2009

    English, , 1,634kb

    Competition Policy for Vertical Relations in Gasoline Retailing

    Gasoline retailing has changed dramatically over the last 25 years. While refiners often still have extensive networks of gasoline retailers, there is also a large independent sector in many countries. A study of the effects of entry by large general retailers finds benefits to consumers. There has been a vigorous debate about whether vertical separation between gasoline stations and upstream entities should be required. It appears

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