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  • 19-February-2024


    Blogs and articles related to environment

    Read what OECD bloggers have to say about topics as varied as air pollution, biodiversity, climate, environmental policies, gender, green finance, green growth, investment, ocean, waste, water and more. Our latest blog: Charting climate action through data insights!

    Related Documents
  • 6-décembre-2023


    La crise énergétique mondiale et les réponses des pouvoirs publics entraînent une forte baisse des niveaux d’imposition dans les pays de l’OCDE

    Les prix élevés de l'énergie déclenchés par la guerre d'agression de la Russie contre l'Ukraine ont incité les gouvernements à réduire les droits d'accises au cours de l'année 2022, ce qui a entraîné une baisse des ratio impôts/PIB dans de nombreux pays, selon une nouvelle analyse de l'OCDE.

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  • 13-juin-2023


    Les ménages sont prêts à verdir leur mode de vie, mais le coût et le confort comptent beaucoup à leurs yeux, comme le montre une enquête de l’OCDE

    Si les ménages sont disposés à modifier leur comportement dans l'intérêt de l’environnement, les pouvoirs publics ont encore beaucoup à faire pour favoriser des choix plus durables. Comme il ressort d’une nouvelle analyse de l’OCDE, il est en effet crucial de rendre les solutions écologiques financièrement plus accessibles et plus pratiques.

    Documents connexes
  • 28-April-2023


    Towards a National Circular Economy Strategy for Hungary

    The growing demand for raw materials in the Hungarian economy projected up to 2050 is expected to exert significant additional pressure on the environment, putting the country at risk of missing important environmental goals and opportunities to strengthen the competitiveness and resilience of its economy. Despite the notable progress in decoupling environmental pressures from economic activities over the past 20 years, several challenges remain. The transition to a circular economy has significant potential to address these challenges. To fully realise the circular potential of its economy, Hungary will need to adopt a comprehensive circular economy policy framework. This report outlines a set of key elements for the development of the Hungarian national circular economy strategy and action plan. It identifies priority areas that are deemed critical to the Hungarian circular economy transition, including: biomass and food, construction and plastics, as well as cross-cutting horizontal tools to facilitate an economy-wide circular transition. It also provides 45 policy recommendations and suggests specific implementation actions across the priority areas for the short, medium and long term.
  • 24-April-2023


    Reform Options for Lithuanian Climate Neutrality by 2050

    This report presents policy reform options to support Lithuania in meeting its climate neutrality target. It takes stock of Lithuania’s current and planned climate policies and assesses their potential for meeting the country’s climate ambitions. The report details the results of modelling carried out to assess the effectiveness of different policy scenarios, an analysis of carbon pricing and the role of innovation, an assessment of financial needs in the transition to net zero, and an analysis of the distributional implications of carbon pricing. Bringing together these findings the report offers recommendations for policy reform, highlighting the importance of setting price signals complemented by innovation support, as well as the potential of revenue recycling options in alleviating distributional concerns.
  • 14-mars-2023


    Agir sur l’emploi, les compétences et les disparités régionales est vital pour la transition verte, selon l’OCDE

    Dans un nouveau rapport, l’OCDE indique que la pénurie de compétences vertes dans les pays de l'OCDE freine la croissance des emplois du développement durable et risque de compromettre la course à la neutralité des émissions d’ici 2050.

    Documents connexes
  • 15-September-2022


    Earth’s Orbits at Risk - The Economics of Space Sustainability

    Society’s dependence on space infrastructure is at a critical juncture. Public and private actors worldwide are planning to launch tens of thousands of satellites into Earth’s orbit in the next five years. This will greatly expand and enrich the use of space resources, but it will also result in more crowded orbits and greater risk of damage from satellite collision and space debris. As satellite launches continue to multiply and concerns grow, the long-term sustainability of space-based infrastructure on orbit and beyond is set to emerge as an increasingly important space policy issue of the 21st century. This publication takes stock of the growing socio-economic dependence of our modern societies on space assets, and the general threats to space-based infrastructure from debris in particular. Notably, it provides fresh insights into the value of space-based infrastructure and the potential costs generated by space debris, drawing on new academic research developed especially for the OECD project on the economics of space sustainability.
  • 29-août-2022


    Le soutien aux combustibles fossiles a presque doublé en 2021, freinant les progrès vers la réalisation des objectifs climatiques internationaux, selon une nouvelle analyse de l’OCDE et de l’AIE

    Les grandes économies ont considérablement renforcé leur soutien à la production et à la consommation de charbon, de pétrole et de gaz naturel, de nombreux pays peinant à trouver un équilibre entre les engagements pris de longue date de supprimer les subventions inefficientes aux combustibles fossiles et les mesures visant à protéger les ménages de la flambée des prix de l’énergie.

    Documents connexes
  • 2-August-2022


    Towards a new stage in Norway's science, technology and innovation system - Improving the long-term plan for research and higher education

    This study assesses the implementation of the recommendations from the OECD Innovation Policy Review of Norway 2017 along four major themes: (1) Developing research communities of outstanding quality; (2) Enhancing competitiveness and innovation capacity; (3) Tackling major social challenges; and (4) Improving the governance of the science, technology and innovation system. The results of this assessment are then used to identify new opportunities for reforms in the Norwegian Long-term plan for Research and Higher Education 2023-2032. While focused on Norway, the report also provides lessons on key issues, such as the sustainable transition of advanced economies, that can be useful in other national contexts.
  • 29-juillet-2022


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