

Guide for assessing the impact of competition authorities' activities


Date of Publication: 
15 April 2014


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Assessing the effects of policies is very important for many governments: it increases transparency and accountability of the activities undertaken by public institutions and it allows to measure their contribution to social welfare.

Many competition agencies already assess the expected benefits that consumers derive from their decisions and publish their results on a regular basis. More agencies are also planning to do so.

The OECD Guide for helping competition authorities assess the expected impact of their activities

In 2012, the evaluation of competition agencies' interventions became one of the strategic priorities for the OECD Competition division. 

After many discussions amongst competition officials at OECD meetings, it was agreed that there would be value in the OECD suggesting a methodology to guide those agencies that want to perform such assessments.

This Guide provides a simple and easily-applicable methodology for determining the likely benefits that consumers will derive from the agencies’ activities, mainly measured in terms of the price increases avoided or the price reductions achieved. It also gives a number of suggestions on how to present the results of the assessment to ensure that these are correctly interpreted.


Related documents and Links

Competition and macroeconomic outcomes factsheet, 2014

Assessment of the Impact of Competition Authorities' Activities, Note by Stephen Davies, 2013 (pdf)

Evaluation of competition enforcement and advocacy activities: results of an OECD survey, 2013 (pdf). Also available in French.

Evaluating the impact of competition law enforcement, Note by Peter Osmosi, 2012 (pdf)

Evaluation of Competition Interventions Homepage

OECD Competition Homepage


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