
Working Papers

  • 12-February-2008


    Globalisation in Services: From Measurement to Analysis

    Statistics Working Paper N. 25 - 2008/3/REV1 - This paper provides new estimates of international trade in services for mode 3 (foreign affiliates' sales in a host country) for four major OECD countries, thanks to the harmonisation of FATS statistics with conventional international trade ones (trade recorded in the balances of payments - modes 1 and 2), using the CEPII's exhaustive CHELEM-BAL database. The results show that sales by

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  • 28-November-2007


    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Implementation in Germany: Challenges and Benefits (STI Digital Economy Paper 134)

    RFID technology is increasingly used in a wide range of tracking and tracing applications. This study compares the implementation of RFID across a broad range of sectors, drawing on interviews with early adopters of RFID technology in Germany.

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  • 16-November-2006


    Identifying Determinants of Germany's International Price Competitiveness - A Structural VAR Approach (Economics Department Working Paper 523)

    This working paper identifies the sources of changes in German international price competitiveness over the past 30 years.

  • 12-September-2006


    Labour Market Reform in Germany: How to Improve Effectiveness (Economics Department Working Paper 512)

    Labour market reform in Germany needs to be followed up in order to raise the economy's capacity to generate employment, as discussed in this working paper.

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  • 9-August-2006


    Raising Economic Performance by Fostering Product Market Competition in Germany (Economics Department Working Paper 507)

    This working paper sugggest that much scope remains to make regulation of product markets more conducive to competition - notwithstanding progress in recent years - with substantial benefits for consumer welfare, productivity and employment.

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  • 30-April-2005

    English, PDF, 47kb

    Classifications and Career Development in the German Foreign Service (Anke Freibert, SIGMA, 2005)

    SIGMA prepared this paper at the request of the Macedonian authorities in December 2004. It sets out the German Foreign Service's framework, staff, and organisation and funding, as well as the reform process.

  • 22-octobre-2004


    Améliorer la capacité d'innovation en Allemagne

    Document de travail du Département des affaires économiques 407. Selon les principaux indicateurs, l’Allemagne est l’un des pays de l’OCDE où l’activité d’innovation est soutenue, même si sa position relative s’est quelque peu dégradée ces derniers temps. Si ce phénomène peut s’expliquer en partie par un détournement des crédits vers les dépenses liées à l’unification et par la lenteur de la croissance économique, des facteurs

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  • 12-septembre-2003


    La réforme des dépenses dans le secteur public en Allemagne: Principaux enjeux

    Document de travail du Département des affaires économiques 366. Le système budgétaire fédéral allemand est parvenu à promouvoir un niveau de vie élevé même dans les régions à faible potentiel économique, mais des tensions sont apparues. Premièrement, il s'est révélé difficile de maintenir une politique budgétaire viable et l'ampleur du déficit total ne permet guère de laisser jouer les stabilisateurs automatiques. Deuxièmement,

    Documents connexes
  • 25-October-2001


    ICT Investment and Economic Growth in the 1990s: Is the United States a Unique Case? A Comparative Study of Nine OECD Countries, STI Working Paper 2001/7

    Investment in information technologies has by no means been confined to the United States and yet, average European or Japanese growth experience has been quite different.

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