
Environment and trade

What's New

  • OECD Companion to the Inventory of Support Measures for Fossil Fuels 2018

    This publication is concerned with all policies that directly support the production or consumption of fossil fuels in 35 OECD countries and 8 partner economies. It provides a useful complement to the online OECD database that identifies and estimates direct budgetary transfers and tax expenditures benefitting fossil fuels, and from which it derives summary results and indicators on support to fossil fuels, as well as policy recommendations.

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  • Working Paper on international trade consequences of climate change

    This report provides an analysis of how climate change damages may affect international trade in the coming decades and how international trade can help limit the costs of climate change. It analyses the impacts of climate change on trade considering both direct effects on infrastructure and transport routes and the indirect economic impacts resulting from changes in endowments and production.

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  • Fossil-fuel subsidies: country briefings

    How do countries subsidise fossil fuels? Briefing notes are now available for OECD and BRIICS countries

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OECD work on environment and trade covers relevant topics such as fossil fuel subsidies, the relationship between environment and regional trade agreements, as well as the illegal trade in environmentally sensitive goods.

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Inventory of Estimated Budgetary Support and Tax Expenditures for Fossil Fuels 2015

Quantitative estimates of support for the production or consumption of fossil fuels in key economies, with a summary of each country's energy economy and support measures.

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Environment and Regional Trade Agreements

This study provides an overview of approaches to environmental issues in RTAs and summarises country experiences in their negotiation and practical application

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OECD Trade and environment papers

Access selected studies addressing the policy interface between trade and environment, including such issues a liberalizing trade in goods that affect the environment, and trade in environmental goods and services.

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Key Areas in Environment and Trade

Inventory of Estimated Budgetary Support and Tax Expenditures for Fossil Fuels
The Inventory furthers transparency and accountability, providing estimates that will help governments and stakeholders assess these policies as they look at ways to reform subsidies. The OECD's latest analysis in this area finds that government support to fossil fuel consumption and production in OECD countries and key emerging economies remains too high, at USD 151 billion in 2016, and that reductions in fossil fuel subsidies have flattened out over the past two years in OECD countries while a strong downward trend continues to be observed in partner economies.

» Access the inventory site

Environment and Regional Trade Agreements
Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) have increased significantly in number over the past few years. The number of RTAs which include environmental provisions is also increasing. This study of RTAs is based on the analysis of RTA texts, and on literature examining their actual implementation, as well as on first-hand comments and input from experts from both OECD and non-OECD countries.

» Read more about environment and regional trade agreements

Illegal Trade in Environmentally Sensitive Goods
Illegal trade in environmentally sensitive goods, such as threatened wildlife, timber, hazardous waste, and ozone-depleting substances, has been a long-standing issue in the international trade and environment agenda. The nature of such illegal trade makes it difficult to fully understand its extent and impact on the environment. Developing effective policies to reduce illegal trade requires a clear understanding of what drives this trade and the circumstances under which it thrives. In this report, evidence-based on customs data and information from licensing schemes is used to document the scale of illegal trade, as well as the economic and environmental impacts of such trade. National and international policies have an important role to play in regulating and reducing illegal trade and the report highlights a range of measures that can be taken at both levels.

» Learn more about research into illegal trade

Other Topics in Environment and Trade