
Employment policies and data

OECD Indicators of Employment Protection


The OECD indicators of employment protection legislation evaluate the regulations on the dismissal of workers on regular contracts and the hiring of workers on temporary contracts.  They cover both individual and collective dismissals.

The indicators have been compiled using the Secretariat’s own reading of statutory laws, collective bargaining agreements and case law as well as contributions from officials from OECD member countries and advice from country experts.

Employment protection refers to only one dimension of the complex set of factors that influence worker security and firm adaptability. For information on other labour market policies and institutions, see the OECD Employment Database.‌‌


November 2021: The 2019 new OECD Employment Protection Legislation Indicators for Temporary Contracts are described in this note 

July 2020: The 2019 OECD Employment Protection Legislation indicators are described in Chapter 3 of the 2020 Edition of the OECD Employment Outlook. Detailed documentation on scoring and weighting can be found in the methodological annex of the chapter.

OECD INdicators oF EMployment protection legislation (for download) 

>> Download the OECD Employment Protection Legislation indicators for OECD countries through OECD.Stat, the online statistical platform of the OECD
>> Download the detailed items of the OECD Employment Protection Legislation indicators for OECD countries (excel file)

detailed information on employMent protection by country

Dismissal regulation for workers on regular contracts and hiring regulation for workers on temporary contracts
  • Find below a description of employment protection in individual countries 


          Non-OECD Latin American countries*


*Indicators for these countries have been constructed within a cooperation project between the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and are drawn from the OECD-IDB database on summary indicators of Employment Protection Legislation (EPL) in Latin American and the Caribbean. Indicators for other countries are under full responsibility of the OECD Secretariat.

These documents are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.


>> For a description of employment protection in individual countries in 2013, see here


Termination regulation for fixed-term contracts

The description of employment protection in all countries classified with respect to each detailed item is reported in Annex A of the note describing the new OECD Employment Protection Legislation Indicators for Temporary Contracts.


RELATED documents

  • July 2020: "Recent trends in employment protection legislation", Chapter 3 of the 2020 Edition of the OECD Employment Outlook
    This chapter provides an up-to-date review of employment protection legislation in OECD countries. Taking into account legislation and actual practices, it describes the regulation of individual and collective dismissals of workers on regular contracts and the regulation for hiring workers on temporary contracts. It also discusses recent reforms in employment protection legislation. The comparison of employment protection across countries in this chapter brings evidence to the policy debate on the relative importance different systems attach to the twin aspirations of protecting workers and promoting adaptable labour markets.




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