

Finland - DAC Peer Review of Development Co-operation, 2012


Finland is making efforts to improve its development co-operation, sharpening the focus of its efforts and emphasising the importance of human rights. To make these efforts effective, says the OECD’s Review of the Development Co-operation Policies and Programmes of Finland, the government should honour its commitment to increase funding, focus on areas and countries where it can have the most impact, and improve the way it manages development co-operation.

The Review’s recommendations are geared to help the Finnish government make its aid more effective, including: hire and retain headquarters, embassy and field staff with development experience; delegate more authority to embassies to increase impact in the field; develop a strategic approach to working with the civil society organisations; reduce the amount of aid that is tied; provide timely information on multi-annual commitments to partner countries and multilateral partners; and ensure that all relevant policies support, or at least do not undermine, development in developing countries.

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this review

  • Examiners: Austria, Switzerland
  • Field visit: Nepal (Annex C)
  • Next peer review due: 2017

peer review history


Implementation of
peer review recommendations from 2007

Finland PR 2012
Graph ENG

Since the last peer review in 2007, Finland has made efforts to improve the implementation of its policies by designing policy guidence for several areas, mainstreaming aid effectiveness priciples across its development co-operation and starting to incorporate a results-based approach throughout the whole development programme.

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Finland an important Player in Nepal's sanitation sector

Finland is an important player in Nepal’s water and sanitation sector, to which it has contributed for about 20 years. Finland currently supports three main projects in this sector. One of these is the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Support Programme in Western Nepal (RWSSP-WN), a bilateral development co-operation programme with the government of Nepal implemented in nine districts. The programme strengthens the capacity of local governments through training and advice in water supply‚ sanitation and hygiene promotion. In the districts, the District Development Committees execute the RWSSP-WN program in association with Village Development Committees, user groups and other district-level WASH stakeholders. (Box 5.2 p.76)

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