
The Education Working Group focuses on philanthropy’s contribution to accessible and quality education, from early childhood to tertiary education. The group is chaired by Lemann Foundation and W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

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The Health and Clinate Working Group focuses on philanthropy’s contribution to strengthening health systems in developing countries. The group is chaired by Foundation S – the Sanofi Collective and the WHO Foundation.

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The Gender Working Group brings together foundations committed to challenge gender norms and empower women to achieve SDG5. The group is chaired by Children Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and Aga Khan Foundation.

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holds thematic Working Groups on Education, Health & Climate, and Gender. Each working group consists of:

  • Closed-door discussions: each working group meets annually. These meetings provide a unique platform and a safe space where leaders in philanthropy convene to share ideas, learn from each other and develop new partnerships.
  • Publications: members have an opportunity to share their experiences and innovative approaches in a joint OECD publication (e.g. policy notes).
  • Peer reviews: members participate in a peer review exercise where one foundation’s performance or practices are assessed by other foundations working in the same thematic area. Results are documented in a report that assesses accomplishments, spells out shortfalls and makes recommendations. OECD staff experts also play an important role in supporting and stimulating the process.
  • Joint research: members of each Working Group have an opportunity to fund a joint research project on topics of common interest through the OECD Centre on Philanthropy, which collects and analyses data on philanthropy for development.
  • Co-funding: netFWD encourages and supports its members to explore  new opportunities for creating partnerships around specific topics and countries. In addition, each spring during netFWD’s Annual Meeting, a Marketplace for Coalitions takes place, which allows members to pitch their projects and find new partners (co-founders and co-implementers).