
Development Co-operation Directorate


Private Sector Engagement for Sustainable Development

Lessons from the DAC

Members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) are increasingly working with the private sector in development co-operation to realise sustainable development outcomes. To learn from this experience, the DAC introduced a peer learning review on working with and through the private sector in development co-operation. Private Sector Engagement for Sustainable Development: Lessons from the DAC examines the politics, policies and institutions behind private sector engagement, the focus and delivery of private sector engagements, private sector engagement portfolios, effective partnership and thematic issues including risk, leverage and ensuring results. Drawing on the practical experiences of DAC members, the report highlights good practice, provides a typology of private sector engagement and outlines key lessons. It highlights the importance of aligning private sector engagements to overall development co-operation strategies and aid effectiveness principles. It also looks at investing in institutional capacities, developing a suite of flexible mechanisms for private sector engagement, and adopting appropriate systems to monitor, evaluate and report on the results of partnerships with the private sector.

Published on November 14, 2016Also available in: Korean


Foreword and acknowledgements
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
Introducing peer learning on working with and through the private sector in development co-operation
Building blocks for private sector engagement in development co-operation
Focus and delivery of private sector engagement strategies in development co-operation
Tools for private sector engagement in development co-operation
Partnering for sustainable development
From risk to results in working with and through the private sector in development co-operation
Annexes2 chapters available
Overview of DAC member policy frameworks on private sector engagement
Definitions of terms used in the report
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