
ODA eligibility database




Sector or themePeace and security: security system reform
Provider countryNATO
Recipient countryDeveloping countries (unspecified)
Implementing agencyNATO
Budget (USD x 1000)2600
Purpose code15210 Security system management and reform

  • The Building Integrity (BI) Trust Fund was established to provide assistance in developing transparent and accountable defence and related security sector institutions under civil and democratic control. BI activities are developed, implemented and assessed by a community of practitioners drawn from international organisations, national authorities, professional associations and civil society, including NGOs focused on good governance and reducing risk of corruption. The targeted audience is Ministry of Defence personnel.
  • The Building Integrity Trust Fund carries out activities in the following areas: - Training and education on the risk of corruption, impact and promoting good practices; - Anti-corruption exercises; - Peer-to-peer contacts, by sharing information and promoting best practices; - Tailored support through the BI Self-Assessment Questionnaire used to diagnose existing procedures and business practices within the MoD and taking part in a Peer Review to identify good practices and gaps.
  • BI activities contribute to enhanced political and social stability and resilience within nations and regions. Efforts under the BI Trust Fund are expected to result in improved understanding of the nexus of corruption, crime and terrorism; enhanced transparency, accountability and integrity in the defence and related security sector; and enhanced human security.
  • This activity is deemed ODA-eligible as it demonstrates technical co-operation provided to government ministries to assist review and reform of the security system to improve good governance and civilian oversight. Eligible assistance is limited to civilian competence/capacity building and strategic planning/advice activities that promote political, institutional and financial transparency, accountability, civilian oversight, as well as respect for human rights and inclusive, gender-sensitive security institutions. However, as the targeted audience is the Ministry of Defence, the support must be part of a national security system reform strategy and be approved by the partner country ministry with overall responsibility for co-ordination of external assistance. Any other assistance to the Ministry of Defence of armed forces is not reportable as ODA (paragraph 105). Furthermore, this activity also links in with the Reporting Directives on training of partner country military. Training in anti-corruption, including prevention of predatory behaviour against civilians and in transparency, respect of civilian oversight and democratic control are amongst the eligible areas listed in the Directives (paragraph 97).