
ODA eligibility database




Sector or themePeace and security: involving police
Provider countryDenmark
Recipient countryAfrica (regional)
Implementing agencyEU (Expertise France) and the International Migration Organisation
Budget (USD x 1000)2230
Purpose code15130 Legal and judicial development

  • At a 2013 summit in Cameroon, heads of state and government from West and Central African countries agreed to strengthen the regional structure for maritime security also known as the Yaoundé Code of Conduct. Through the EU’s programme “Gulf of Guinea Inter-Regional Network”, Denmark will be providing earmarked financial support to focus explicitly on capacity development related activities aimed at strengthening the civil objectives of the Yaoundé structure and the related legal framework. Denmark will also contribute through the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) West and Central Africa Trust Fund and assist states in the region to build their capacity through IMO training on port security and as such support the implementation of the Code of Conduct concerning the prevention of piracy, armed robbery against ships and illicit maritime activity in the region.
  • The objective for the Danish programme for maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea is to enhance national and regional capacity to pursue maritime governance and security in the Gulf of Guinea. This will be achieved through reinforced cooperation with the long term purpose of strengthening trade, investment and sustainable development in the region. The Danish support through the EU will be earmarked to: - capacity development of civilian staff, functions and structures of Yaoundé structure’s lower levels; - facilitate information-sharing among states relevant to maritime governance in order to prevent, detect, and suppress maritime security threats including piracy and armed robbery at sea; - capacity development provided to ensure implementation of international conventions; - revision of legislation on pursuit and prosecution of crimes at sea. As for the support through the IMO, the Danish support will be earmarked to: - capacity development to ensure effective self-auditing of security in ports; - implementing updated port facility security plans; - establishing port security committees; - development of port security assessment methodology.
  • Strengthened regional cooperation and communication resulting in gradual improvement of the maritime governance and security in the region and in the longer term improved framework conditions for growth and development in the region.
  • This activity is deemed ODA-eligible. The earmarked eligible capacity development of civilian staff in the field of maritime security is included in ODA as part routine police functioning (paragraph 100). The additional safeguards are taken into account as the following activities are excluded: training in counter-subversion methods, suppression of political dissidence, intelligence gathering on political activities (in compliance with footnote 38) and the supply of the donor’s police services to control civil disobedience.