

Evaluation Network member - Inter-American Development Bank


Inter-American Development Bank

Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE)
1350 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20577

Tel.:  + (1) 202 623 1000
Fax:  + (1) 202 623 3096


Department background

The board mandates that Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) conduct Country Program Evaluations (CPE); policy, strategy, thematic and instrument evaluations; and oversee the bank's internal monitoring and evaluation system, processes and instruments.  Moreover, OVE conducts oversight reviews of corporate strategy, processes and instruments; provides normative guidance on evaluation issues; and contributes to evaluation capacity building in the region.  In 2003, OVE began conducting ex-post project evaluations as well.  Self-evaluations are carried out by programme staff in operational departments.


OVE carries out evaluations of development impact, ex-post performance and sustainability of individual projects classified into three themes: country programme evaluations whenever there is a national election; sector and thematic evaluations; oversight reports on bank policies and programmes.


The publication "Better Aid: Evaluation in Development Agencies" provides individual evaluation profiles for each member of the DAC Network on Development Evaluation.

Each profile provides information on the core elements of the evaluation function set-up and management, including the mandate of the unit, mechanisms to protect independence and ensure quality, reporting lines and distribution of evaluation reports.

IADB's Evaluation profile     


Access IADB's reports on DEReC





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