

Evaluation Network member - EC


Europe Aid Co-operation Office


European Commission

Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid

B-1049 Brussels

Tel : + 32 2 299 11 11

Website: Evaluation Department

Department background

The Evaluation Unit is a unit common to the Directorates-General for Development, External Relations and Europe Aid.  The Evaluation Unit is in charge of the evaluation of the Commission's co-operation and development programmes in third countries with the exception of enlargement candidate countries and humanitarian aid.  It covers all geographical regions and the corresponding EC external co-operation programmes: Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Countries (ACP), Mediterranean Region (MED), Asia (including Central Asia) and Latin America and Eastern Europe.  The evaluation service is accountable to the Group of RELEX Commissioners, which decides on the work programme of the evaluation service and acts on its reports and recommendations.  The budget of the Joint Evaluation Unit is determined by the EU Parliament and the EU Commission.


The publication "Better Aid: Evaluation in Development Agencies" provides individual evaluation profiles for each member of the DAC Network on Development Evaluation.

Each profile provides information on the core elements of the evaluation function set-up and management, including the mandate of the unit, mechanisms to protect independence and ensure quality, reporting lines and distribution of evaluation reports.

The European Commission's Evaluation profile      


For evaluation reports, visit DEReC



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