
Effective development co-operation

Second High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-2), 28 February to 2 March 2005, Paris, France



The international development community, including senior representatives from partner countries, bilateral and multilateral donors, met in Paris from 28 February to 2 March 2005 at the High Level Forum on Joint Progress toward Enhanced Aid Effectiveness (Harmonisation, Alignment, and Results).
Press release


Discussions at the forum were largely informed by the report on progress towards better harmonisation, alignment and results.
Harmonisation, Alignment, Results: Report on Progress, Challenges and Opportunities

This was the second in a series of high level forums on aid effectiveness. Participants at this forum endorsed the landmark Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and committed to achieving a series of targets to improve the delivery of aid by 2010.

The event marked the launch of the Paris Declaration Monitoring Survey which tracked the implementation of the commitments made in Paris. Evidence from these monitoring surveys was used to inform the subsequent forums in Accra and Busan






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