
Effective development co-operation

Assessing Progress towards Effective development co-operation


The Monitoring Survey is a global process where donors and developing countries assess whether progress has been made towards more effective aid.

When developed and developing countries committed themselves to the Paris Declaration principles in 2005, and to the Busan commitments in 2011, they agreed not only to a set of principles, but also to meeting a set of measurable targets.


Key progress reports towards improving the effectiveness of development co-operation

2016 Global Partnership Monitoring Round

2014 Global Partnership Monitoring Round


2011 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration


This independent evaluation of the 2005 Paris Declaration principles and the Accra Agenda for action for achieving more effective aid has shown that the Paris principles do make a difference for development, although many of the principles have been in practice for years. Globally, the survey results show considerable variation in the direction and pace of progress across donors and partner countries since 2005.

2011 Survey report and related documents

Country chapters




 2008 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration




The 2008 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration report to help make aid more effective by 2010 presents the results from the second, follow-up survey on monitoring the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. Progress were assessed in 55 developing countries to help understand the challenges in making aid more effective in advancing development. The findings are clear: progress is being made, but not fast enough. This report makes three high-level policy recommendations that will help accelerate progress and transform the aid relationship into a full partnership.

2008 Survey Report and related documents

Country chapters


2006 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration

The 2006 survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration was prepared under the aegis of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Working Party on Aid Effectiveness and covers 34 partner countries with data from 55 donors. The report provides a snapshot of the state of affairs in 2005 in assessing the effectiveness of aid.

The report also includes six major priority areas that need policy makers’ attention to accelerate progress towards achieving the Paris Declaration commitments.

2006 Survey report and related documents

Country Chapters



 2004 Survey on Harmonisation and Alignment of Donor Practices


Related Documents