
Development Co-operation Directorate

DAC member profile: Austria


Member of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) since 1966.

Statistics from the Development Co-operation Report 2016

Country pages_0002_AUSTRIA

See full profile in the Development Co-operation Report 2016.

In 2015,  Austria provided  USD 1.2 billion in net ODA (preliminary data), which represented 0.32% of gross national income (GNI) and a 15.4% increase in real terms from 2014, due to increased spending on in-donor refugee costs. Austria is the 13th largest Development Assistance Committee  ( DAC)  pr o vider  in  terms  o f  O DA  as  a percentage of GNI, and the 18th in terms of volume. The Austrian government remains committed to achieving the target of 0.7% ODA/GNI and intends to develop a roadmap to achieve this target. However, the outlook for the ODA budg et is mixed – while t he 2016 budg et increased humanitarian assistance, it is not clear whether overall levels will increase. While Austria’s share of untied ODA (excluding administrative costs and in-donor refugee costs) has increased, from 44.2% in 2013 to 48.2% in 2014, it is still low compared to the 2014 DAC average of 80.6%. The grant element of total ODA was 100% in 2014.

Peer review findings: 2015

Latest evaluation reports

Austria should set a timeframe to increase its aid budget in line with a pledge to allocate 0.7% of its gross national income (GNI) to development aid, according to latest peer review of Austria. “Austria has made important contributions to the fight against poverty with its role in EU and UN peacekeeping operations. But its aid spending has declined to below the OECD average even as countries going through tougher economic times have managed to reach the 0.7% ODA target,” said DAC Chair Erik Solheim, launching the report in Vienna. He added: “I am pleased that Austria has deepened its relationship with the private sector and uses ODA to mobilize private finance.”

Access Austria's latest evaluation reports on the DAC Evaluation Resource Centre (DEReC).

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