


Building Inclusive Labour Markets in Kazakhstan

A Focus on Youth, Older Workers and People with Disabilities

Kazakhstan has made major economic and social advances in the past decade and a half. Yet, Kazakhstan needs to sustain high growth rates in the future to converge towards the living standards of OECD countries. This report provides a review of the labour market and social policies that could help Kazakhstan in its dual objectives of building more inclusive labour markets, while maintaining a path of strong growth. It explores the role that institutions and policies play in helping vulnerable groups to access gainful and productive jobs, particularly focusing on three key groups: youth, older workers, and people with disabilities, and provides a comprehensive set of policies to increase the employment and employability of these groups. Evaluations and lessons from innovative experiences in OECD and other countries are used to formulate recommendations tailored to Kazakhstan.

Published on July 13, 2017


Foreword and Acknowledgments
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
Assessment and recommendations
Key labour market challenges in Kazakhstan
Investing in Kazakhstani youth
Working longer with age: Strengthening the labour market outcomes of older workers in Kazakhstan
Breaking down labour market barriers for people with disabilities
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