By Date

  • 13-May-2009


    The "Global Standard” of the 21st Century

    The economic crisis has generated an urgent need to restore confidence in our future and make the world economy stronger, cleaner and fairer. There is growing political consensus on the need to develop a set of common principles and standards in order to ensure a more stable and sustainable development of the global economy, according to the OECD Secretary-General.

  • 7-May-2009


    OECD and the London G20 summit in 2009

    At the G20 summit in London on 2 April, governments pledged to do all they can to restore confidence, growth and jobs; repair and strengthen the financial system; promote global trade and investment and reject protectionism; and build an inclusive, green and sustainable recovery for all. The OECD worked behind the scenes with G20 governments and other international organisations to help achieve this successful outcome and further our

  • 12-March-2009


    Guidelines for Fighting Bid Rigging in Public Procurement

    These Guidelines help governments improve public procurement by fighting bid rigging. They are designed to reduce the risks of bid rigging through careful design of the procurement process and to detect bid rigging conspiracies during the procurement process.

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  • 2-March-2009


    Responses to the economic and financial crisis and the road to recovery

    Latin America has a major role to play in building a new international financial and economic system, since it has accumulated substantial experience in managing financial crises and recovery programs, according to the OECD Secretary-General.

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  • 2-March-2009


    Respuestas a la crisis económica y financiera y el camino hacia la recuperación

    El papel de América Latina en la construcción de un nuevo sistema financiero y económico internacional tiene que ser relevante. La experiencia acumulada en la gestión de crisis financieras y programas de recuperación en la región es importante, según el Secretario general de la OCDE.

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  • 16-February-2009


    OECD’s Gurría welcomes G7 move to establish set of ethical principles on global business

    OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría has welcomed the decision by G7 Finance Ministers to work towards setting up a set of common principles on integrity, transparency and propriety in global financial and business transactions.

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  • 13-February-2009


    The need for a global standard

    In his remarks delivered in Rome, Angel Gurría has welcomed the decision by G7 Finance Ministers to work towards setting up a set of common principles on integrity, transparency and propriety in global financial and business transactions.

  • 9-February-2009


    The financial and economic crisis and the OECD strategic response

    At a meeting with Slovak Economists, Mr. Gurría underlined that the OECD has developed a strategic response to deal with the current situation, while at the same time addressing the interaction between different policy actions in our economies.

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  • 28-January-2009


    Dealing with the crisis: reforms that will put us back on a path of growth, innovation and sustainability

    According to Mr. Gurría, the crisis has led to some major new thinking, about regulation and markets, about accountability and ethics, and about the kind of economy we need to build. Our strategy is about devising better policies, better regulations and better institutional frameworks that enable businesses to flourish and public interests to be safeguarded in a stronger, cleaner and fairer world economy.

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  • 27-January-2009


    The world needs to rewrite the rules of finance and global business

    Angel Gurría shares his views about issues on the 2009 Davos agenda. Beyond short-term expediency, politicians must figure out how to set a long-term course for the global economy. Along with more effective regulation, we need fairer social policies and an end to the bottlenecks that block competition and innovation and hamper sustainable growth. We must also find ways for governments to exit from their massive emergency interventions

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